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CHAPTER 3 <br />GENERAL REC�l�I���11iEN7'� <br />SECTION 301 <br />GENERAL <br />301.1 Scope. The provisions af this chapter shall govern the <br />minimum conditions and the responsibilities of persons far <br />maintenance of structures, equipment and exteriar property. <br />301.2 Responsibility. The owner of the premises shall main- <br />tain the structures and exteriar properly in compliance with <br />these requirements, except as ot�erwise provided far in this <br />code. A person shall not occupy as owner-occupant or permit <br />another person to occupy premises which are not in a sanitary <br />and safe condition and which do not comply with the require- <br />menLs of this cha�tec•. Occupanks of a dwelling unit, rooming <br />unit orhousekeeping unit are responsible forkeeping in a clean, <br />sanitary and safecondition that part of tEie dwelling unit, room- <br />ing unit, f�ouselceeping ur�it ar premises which they occupy and <br />control. <br />301.3 Vacant structures and land. All vacant structures and <br />premises thereof or vacant land shall be maintained in a clean, <br />safe, secure and sanitary condition as provided k�erGiz� sc� as not <br />to cause a blighting problem ar adversely affect the public <br />health or safefy. <br />SECTION 302 <br />�xr�R�o� p�op��rv �,��as <br />302_� Sanitation. All exteriar property and premises shall be <br />maintained in a clean, safe and sanitary condition. The occu- <br />pant shall keep that part of the exteriar property which such oc- <br />cupant occupies or controls in a clean and sanitary condition. <br />302.2 Grading and drainage. All premises shall be graded <br />and maintained to preven� the erosion of soil and toprevent the <br />accumulation of stagnantwater thereon, or within any structure <br />located thereon. <br />Exception: Approved retention areas and reservoirs. <br />302.3 Sidewalks and driveways. All sidewalks, walkways, <br />stairs, driveways, parking spaces and similar areas shall be kept <br />in aproper state of repair, and maintained free from hazardous <br />conditions. <br />302.4 Weeds. All premises andexteriarproperty shall be zztaan- <br />tained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of (jurisdic- <br />tion to insert height in inches). All noxious weeds shall be <br />prohibited. Weeds shall be de�ytedas all grasses, annual plants <br />and vegetation, other than trees ar shrnhs provided; however, <br />this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens. <br />Upon failure of the owner or agent having charge of a prnp- <br />ert to cut and dest��ov weeds after service of a notice of viola- <br />lio Chey shall be subject to prosecution in accardance wiCh <br />Se ion 106.3 and as prescribed by the autharity having juris- <br />diction. Upon failure to comply with the notice of violation. <br />any duly autharized employee of the jurisdiction or contractar <br />hired by the jurisdiction shall be autharized to enter upon the <br />2003 INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CdDEC� <br />property in violation and cut and destroy the weeds growing <br />thereon, and ihe costs of such removal shall be paid by the I <br />owner ar agent responsible far the property. <br />302.5 Rodent harborage. All structures and exteriar property <br />shall be kept free fromrodent harbarage and infestation. Where <br />rodents are foi�nd, they shall be promptly extenninated by ap- <br />proved processes which will not be injurious to human health. <br />After extermination, proper precautions shall be taken to elitxii- <br />nate rodent harbarage and prevent rcinfestation. <br />302.6 Exliaust vents. Pipes, ducts, conductars, fansor blowers <br />shall not discharge gases, steam, vapor, hot air, grease, smoke, <br />odars or aGher gaseous ar p��-ti�t�late wastes directly upon abut- <br />ting ar adjacent p�tblic ar private p3-o�ercy or l�at of anptl�er ten- <br />ant. <br />302.7 Accessory structures. AaI accessory s��-uctures, includ- <br />ing detached garages, fences and walls. shall be maintained <br />structurally sound and in good repair. <br />302.8 Motor vehicles. Except as provided for in other reguia- � <br />tions, no inoperative ar unlicensed motor vehicle shall be <br />parked, kept or stared on any premises, and no vehicle shall at <br />z F}• ;ime be in a stare of majar disassembly, disrepair, or in t}�E <br />process of being stripped Sr dismantled. Painting of vehicles i:; <br />prohibited unless conducted inside an approved spray booth. <br />Exception: A vehicle of any type is permitted to undergo <br />majar overhaul, including body wark, provided that such <br />wark is performed inside a structure or similarly enclosed <br />area designed and approved far such puiposes. <br />302.9 Defacement of property. No person shall willfully ar <br />wantonly damage, muti]ate or deface any exteriar surface of <br />any structure ar building on any private ar public property by <br />placing thereon any marking, carving or gratfiti. <br />It shall be the responsibility of the owner to restare said sur- <br />face to an approved state of maintenance and repair. <br />SECTION 303 <br />SWIMMING POOLS, SPAS AND HQT TiJBS <br />303.1 Swimming pools. Swimming pools shali he maintained <br />in a clean and sanitary condition, and in good repair. <br />303.2 Enclosures. Pi3vate swimming pools, hot tubs and spas, <br />eantaining water mare tl�an 24 inches (610 mm� in depth shau <br />be completely surrounded by a fencc ar barrier at least 49 <br />inches (1219 mm) in height above the finished ground level <br />measured on the side of the b�rraer away �rom the pool. Gates <br />and doars in such bar�iers shall be self-closing and sel#-latch- <br />ing. Where the self-latching device isless than 54 inches (1372 <br />�nm) above the bottom of the gate, the release mechanism shall <br />be locafed on the pool side of the gate. �eLf-cto»ing and self- <br />latching g3ees shall be maintained such that the gate will posi- <br />tively close a�d latch when released from an open position of 6 <br />inches (152:nrn} frorn the gatepost. No exist€ng poot enclosure <br />5 <br />i <br />. ! <br />1 <br />� <br />�— <br />� <br />�— <br />• J <br />�� <br />1 <br />. � <br />� – <br />� <br />� <br />7 – <br />� <br />