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City Cou�n��l St�dy SessiQn �- 01/2310G <br />DRAFT Minates - Page 8 <br />Counci�member Pust sugg�sted stafi include �he varzous <br />types of uses in single-�amily zoning districts as part of t�e <br />community vis�oning pxocess (i.e., student, group, and other <br />housing ereating traffie congesiion). <br />Ci�y Attorney Anderson concurred with the d�chotomy raised <br />by City Manager Beets, in looking at the zoning cod� and <br />obv2ous intent o� the state s���te regarding unare�ated �eople <br />— up to six adu�ts in one unit; and dete�mine where the <br />tensions exzsted b�tween Czty Code and S�a�e S�a�ut�; and <br />the primacy of State Statuie. Ci�y Attomey Anderson <br />suggested defining "dwel�ing un�ts;" if staff stays overnigh� <br />in a group hozne, and thez�e �s a lock�d daor betwe�n the <br />units, or a separate kitchen facili�y and door, that is defined <br />as two units. N�. Anderson noted that, when a new buyer <br />became involved, it looked like a duplex, and thus the zoning <br />quagmire bet�ween wha� the unit is sold as and what i�s use <br />was. <br />C�ty Attorney Anderson noted that, th� perception is that if <br />it's used ihat way now, i� ean b� used �hat way forever; and <br />even with a dec�aration signed by an operator for a <br />residen�ial faci�ity permitted by Minnesota Statute under <br />Sec�ion 462.357, Subd. ba �$, the uncer�ainty of the manner <br />in which the business or us� is being cc�nducted und�r City <br />Code becomes an is5ue. <br />Fua�her diseussion �nc�uded the sales proeess %r s�ng�e- <br />family homes; stapulations and state regula�ions for group <br />homes; and �the desi�e �or disbursement o� group homes <br />throughout a comrnun�ty �o provide a better li�estyie £or <br />graup home occupants. <br />Rep. Gareilzng suggested that, rather than ehanging the <br />ordinanee and/or statute, perhaps better education of the <br />public was pxe�erabie via �he ci�y newslettex or 1oca1 <br />newspaper, advzsing them of ihezr right to comp�ain abaut a <br />g�oup home in their neighborhood if it wasn't m�eting <br />ordinance requiremen�s. Rep. Garei�ing also suggested better <br />educaiion o� eode enforcement personnel o� czty and state <br />la�v, examples of the federal Fair Hausing Act; applicable <br />