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Cfty Council Study Session � Oi/23/U6 <br />DRAFT 1Vlinutes - Pa�e 18 <br />addition to d'zscaretion in �urther no�ifzcaiion as warranted on a <br />case-by-case basis. Mr. Welsch reviewed various sc�narios and <br />types af pub�ic hearings and �he process �ollowed by sta�f. <br />Mr. Welsch sought Caunci� d�z�ee�ion, given city notice cost and <br />proper�y or�vner interest con�iderations, as how to proceed in the <br />fia�u�e, N�r. Welsch addr�ssed the specific issue and resideni <br />eomp�aint received arela�ed �o the Kimeo �and use h�aring; detailed <br />sta�f's use of the published notice, websi�t� use for agenda <br />updating, posting of the site, and 350' mailing process. Mr. <br />Welsch sought Council diareetion �aar es#ablish�ng a�ozmal <br />ord�nance or policy for fuiure rnailing, but asked Councii <br />co�sideration of limited siaff; and existing staff practice of er-ring <br />in the name o� caution with wider �han �egally required <br />notifica�ion. <br />Discussion �ne�uded <br />interested homeown� <br />camrnunity practices; <br />controversial pro�ects. <br />identification of cer�ain and potentially <br />•s; standa�ds for sta££ io app�y; other <br />and use of a Iarger range on potential�y <br />Mayor Klausing �ecogn�zed public camment on th� issue at this <br />�ime. <br />Jahn Kysylyczyn, 3083 N Victoria Street <br />Mr. Kysylyczyn concurred with a suggestion of Couneilmember <br />Kough to use ihe 350' ru1e; and make an arbitrary number {i.e., 20 <br />e�osest residential proper�ies}. Mr. K.ysylyczyn ques�ioned the <br />policy and goa� o�the City Counei� as a determining fiactor. <br />C�ty A��orney Andea�son <br />City Attorney Anderson responded wi�h a prae�ical use by various <br />county c�ients wiih land use issues in unincorporated ar�as <br />regard'zng notification, referencing language such as, State 5tatu�e, <br />in additzon to, "owners of record within �/� mile, or 1:he ten nearest <br />properties, whiehevex wou�d provide the gr�atest no�ification." <br />Dan Roe, 2100 Avan S�xeet <br />Mr. Roe provided a bench handau�, wzth a suggested notification <br />policy for City Council consideration. Mr. Roe's �ugges�ed <br />Ianguage wa� that "...notice be mailed to eaeh of the owners of the <br />