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City Cauncil Regutar Meeting — 02/13/06 <br />DRAFT Minutes - Page 23 <br />different view; but opined that c�tiz�ns did want this City <br />Council to woark tagether as adults and not waste time; and that <br />by understanding how each individual needed to receive and <br />process information, it would make the group more efficient in <br />doing the City's business. <br />Councilmember Ihlan questioned what the problem was that the <br />City Cauncil thought needed to be solved, opining that the <br />Council was newly-elec�ed and was just starting to work together <br />and it hadn't �een determined �hat they were a"problem <br />Counci�" yet. Councilmember Ihlan further opined that the City <br />Council needed to insiead immediately concentrate on the budget <br />and lang-range planning issu��. Cauncilmember Ihlan proposed <br />that the Council s�art work an gaal setting and strategic planning, <br />and that if it was Iater determined that a facilitator was needed, <br />ihere were peaple available to pravide �hose services at no cos� <br />to the CI�y Cauncil. Cauncilmember �hlan �urthet- opined that <br />each Councilmember had a basic vision of wha� their job was, <br />and that each represented different points of view. <br />Councilmember Ihlan adaman�ly opined that there were many <br />better uses of public monies for services ar programs, rather than <br />to facili�ate City Council teambuilding; and noted that it didn't <br />se�m prudent to attempt such a work style ana�ysis or "team <br />�uilding" when �hei•e was o�viousIy not a consensu�s amang the <br />Council to do sa. <br />Mayor Klau�ing spoke in support of the analysi� and team <br />building— as a way to recogniz� dif�erent perspectives and work <br />mor� effectively and imprave functioning far the long-term <br />benefit of the community. Mayor Klausing asked each <br />Counci�membez- to give the process a�ry ana good faith effor�. <br />Pust moved, Maschka seconded, au�horizing the Mayor and City <br />Manag�r to execute a contract between the City of 12oseville and <br />Barbar� Raye of the C�nter for Policy, Planning and <br />Performance, in an amaunt not to exceed $6,500, to provide feam <br />building and work style analysis services in accordance with <br />Steps 1 th�c��gh 4� of her Proposal, as a matier of public record, <br />on such date or dates as the City Council shall determine. <br />Councilmember Ihlan spoke in oppositipn to the motion; <br />