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City of Roseville <br />ORDINANCE NO. <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING <br />TITLE FOUR, SECTIONS �07.0�, 40'�.06 and 407.08 <br />407.02: NUISANCES AFFECTING HEALTH, SAFETY, COMFORT OR <br />REPOSE: <br />407.06: POWERS OF OFFICERS <br />407.08: ACCELERATED ABATEMENT PROCESS FOR CERTAIN NUISANCES <br />THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE ORDAINS: <br />SECTION 1: Title Four, Sections 4D"7.02, 407.06 and 407.08 of the Roseville City <br />Code are amended to read as follows: <br />407.02: NUISANCES AFFECTING HEALTH, SAFETY, COMFORT OR <br />REPOSE: <br />The following are hereby declared to be public nuisances affecting health, safety, comfort <br />or repose: <br />A. Diseased Animals: all diseased animals running at large. <br />B. Carcasses: Carcasses of animals not buried or destroyed within 24 hours after <br />death. <br />C. Weeds: All noxious weeks are prohibited. Tall grasses, nuisance weeds and rank <br />vegetative growth shall be maintained at a height of 8 inches or less in locations <br />closer than 40 feet to: <br />1. An occupied principal structure; <br />2. Any property line with an occupied structure on abutting property; and <br />3. A public road pavement edge. <br />This section shall not apply to natural areas such as woods, bogs, marshes, ground <br />covers, wildflower or prairie restoration and public open space or park lands as <br />determined by the city forester or naturalist designated by city manager. (Ord. <br />� � ��, �-��-1���� <br />D. Debris: An accumulation of tin cans, bottles, trash, u�rooted tree stum�s, lo�s,, <br />limbs. brush. and other cut vegetative debris, or other debris of any nature or <br />description and the throwing, dumping or depositing of any dead animals, manure, <br />garbage, waste, decaying matter, ground, sand, stones, ashes, rubbish, tin cans or <br />other material of any kind on private property. <br />E. Smoke and Fumes: Dense smoke, noxious fumes, gas and soot or cinders in <br />unreasonable quantities. (Ord. 207, 11-9-55) <br />F. Backyard Composting: All composting consisting of yard waste andlor kitchen <br />waste which have been left unattended and which cause offensive odors, attract <br />rodents andlor pests or are unsightly. (Ord. 1092, C�-10-91) <br />