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A. Mairnains or permits a condition which unreasonabIy annoys, injures or <br />endangers the safety, health, comfort or repose of inetnbers of the public; or <br />B. Interferes with, obstructs or renders dange�-ous for passage, any public road or <br />right ai way, street, alley or highway or waters used by the public; or <br />C. Is guilty of a�iy other act orr omission declared by law to be a public nuisanc� <br />specif cally provid�d; or <br />D. Anything left or displayed for sale on public or private properry without written <br />perm'rssion by the owner or person in control af the property may be tagged andlar <br />tawed at the owner's expense. <br />E. In any way render the public insecure in life or in use of property. <br />OCCUFANT: Includes any person living in or in control of any dweiiing unit upon <br />properry wherein a�notor vehicle is parked. <br />VEHICLE �R VEHICLES: Any "motor ve�iele" as dei'ined in Minnesota Statutes but <br />excluding the following: <br />A. Trailers with weight classifications af A and B as provided in Minnesota Statut�s. <br />B. Sno�vmobiles, and <br />C. "All-terrain vehicles" as defined in Minnesota Statutes. <br />VITAL COMPONENT PARTS: Those parts of tl�e motor vel�icle that are essential to the <br />machanical functianing of the vehicle, including, but nat limited to, the motor, drive <br />train, and wheels. (Ord f��`�'�����i <br />407.02: NLTISANCES AFFECTING I�ALTH, SAFETY, CONFORT <br />OR REPOSE: <br />The fallowing are herehy declared to be public nuisances affecting health, safety, comfort <br />or repose: <br />�, Diseased Animals: All diseased animals running at large. <br />B Carcasses: Carcasses af animals not buried or destroyed wiihin twenty four {24) <br />haurs after death. <br />�: Weeds: A11 noxious weeds a�•e pro%ibited. Tall grasses, nuisance weeds and ranic <br />vegetative growth shaIl be maintained at a height oi eight inches (S") or less in <br />locations closer than %rty feet (409) to: <br />1. An accupied principal structure; <br />2. Any �roperty Iine with an occupied structure on abutting properly; and <br />3. A public road pavement edge. <br />This sec�ian snall r�at apply to naturai areas such as waods, bogs, marshes, ground <br />cavers, r�vildflower or prairie restoration and public open space ar park lands as <br />determined by the city foresteror naturalist designatedby city manager. (Ord. 1136, <br />2-28-1994) <br />�1� An accumulation of tin cans, bottles, trash or debri� of any nature or <br />deseription and the throwing, dumping or depositing of any dead animals, manure, <br />garbage, waste, decaying tnatter, ground, sand, stanes, ashes, rubbish, tin cans or <br />other material of any kind on private property. <br />� Smoke and Fumes: Dense srnoke, noxious fumes, gas and soot or cinders in <br />unreasonablequantities. (Ord. 2U7,11-9-55) <br />�. Backyard Campasting: All cornposting consisting of yard waste andlor kitchen waste <br />wnich have been left unattended and which cause offensive odors, attract rndents <br />and/or pests or are unsightly. (�rd. 1Q92, 6-� 0-91) <br />+�w Keeping of Farm Animals: The keeping of cows, horses, sh�ep, goats or any four (4} <br />legged animal commonly lcnown as farm animals, other than those commonly called <br />poultry, in any pasture, stable or any enclosure within three hundr�d feet (3af19) ar <br />�� <br />