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public street ar alley. <br />2. AlI exterior doors and shutters shall be hung properly and have an operable <br />mechanism to keep then� securely sh��t or in place. <br />3. All cornices, moldings, lintels, bay or dormer windows and similar prajections -� ' <br />shall b� kept in good repair and free from cracks and defects which make them <br />hazardous or unsightly. <br />4. Roof surfaces shall }�e tight and have no defects which adinit water. All roof <br />drainage systems sha11 be secured and l�ung paroperly. <br />5. Ck�irraneys, antennae, air vents and other similar proj ections shall be s�i ucturally <br />sout�d atad u� good repair. Such projectians shall be secured properly where <br />applicable ta an exkerior wall ar exterior roo£ <br />b. All �oandations shall be structurally sound and in good repaar. <br />L. Dectaration of Nuisance: The autside parking and storage on residentially-zoned <br />praperty of vehicles, inateriats, supplies or equipment not custamar�iy used for <br />residential purposes in vialation of the requirements set forth below is declared ta be <br />a public nuisaiice because it: 1) obstructs views on streets and private properry, 2} <br />creates cluttered and oiherwise unsightiy areas, 3} introduces cornanercial adve�tising <br />signs intn areas where commercial advertising signs are otherwise prohibited, 4} <br />decreases adjoining landowners and occupants' enjoyment of their property and <br />neighborhood, and 5) otherwise adversely affects property values and neighborhood <br />pattems. Service vehicles with a manufacturer's rated capacity of two thousand <br />(2,000) pounds or less are exempt fram this provision. <br />M. Unlawful Parking an�d Staarage: <br />1. N4 person may piace, store, or alIow the placement or storage of ice fish houses, <br />skateboard ramps, play hauses, ar othcr similar nonpermanent structures at�tside <br />continuausiy far longer tlaan twenty :four (24) hours in the front-yard area of "°� <br />resid�ntially-zonedprop�riy. ���� <br />2. No person may place, store or ailow the placemer►t or starage of pipe, lumber, <br />steel, machinery or similar materiais including all materials c�sed in connection with <br />a business, outside an residentially-zonedproperty. <br />3. No person shall cause, undertake, permit or ailow tl�e outside parking and storage <br />of vehicIes in residentially-zonedproperty for more than fourteen (14) days u��less it <br />complies with the fallowing requirements: (4rd. 12$8, 8-4-2UO3} <br />a Vehicles which are parked or stored outside shall be on an improved surface as <br />defined in this Code. <br />b. AII rrehicles, watercraft and oth�er articles stared outside ntt residential property <br />�...u_�. � . rnust �e owned by a person wilo is a l�ga� r�sid��t of that }�roperty. <br />��t�. No person, owning, driving or in charge of any vehicle with a manufaeturers rated <br />�" - capacity of more than one ton, as specified in Minnesota Statutes, may cause or <br />permit that vehicle to be parked outside or stand continuous for more than two (2) <br />%aurs an properly or public street within a residential zone in the City. <br />N. Exceptions: The prahibitions of this Section shall not apply to the follawing: <br />1. Any motor truck, pickup trucic, or similar �ehicle being used by a public utility, <br />moving coznpany, oz- similar company, w�iic� is actually being used to service a <br />residence not belonging to or occupied by the operator of the vehicle. <br />2. Any vehicle which is acivaily making a pickup or delivery a� the location where it <br />is parked. Pazking for any period af ti�e beyand tkze period of time reasonably <br />necessary Eo make such a�ickup or delivery and in exces� of the two (2} ha�r limit ��-- <br />shall be uniawfi�l. <br />O. Vekzicles Constituting a Public Nuisance: <br />1. Abandaned and �unk Vehicles Create Hazard: Abandoned and junk vehicles are <br />111 <br />