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declared to be a public nuisance creating hazard to the health and safety of the public <br />because they invite plundering, create fire hazards, attract vermin, and present <br />�- -- physical dangers to the safety and well being of children and other citizens. The <br />acctunulation and oufiside storage of such vehicles is in the nature of rubbish, liCter <br />''=`�� � and unsightly debris and is a blight on the landscape and a det��iment to the <br />enviranment. It shall be unlawfuI �or a person to pile, store or keep wrecked, jwnked <br />or abandoned motor vehicles on private or public property. <br />2. Vehicles Impeding Traffic Flow: Any vehicle, whether occupied or not that is <br />found stopped, standing or parked in violation of any ardinance or State statute; or <br />that is reported stalen; or that is found impeding �re�ghtir�g, snow removal. or <br />plowing or the orderly flow n�' crafi"ic is declared to be a public nuisance. <br />3. Vehicles Impeding Road a��d Utility Repair: Any vehicle which is impeding <br />public road or utility repair, construction ar mai:�tenance activities after reasonable <br />notice of the impraper acti�ities has been given to the vehicle owner or user at least <br />twelve (12) hours in advance, is declared to be a publie nuisance. <br />4. Vehicles Without License �'lates: Except where expressly pernaitted by state law, <br />any vehicle shall be deemed to be junked or abandaned if said vehicle does not have <br />attached thereto a valid and current license plate issued by the proper State age�zcy. <br />(Ord. 128$, 8-4-2003) <br />P. Abatemeni of Vehicles: <br />1. Tmpounding: Any police officer or other duly authorized persan may order any <br />vehicle constituting a pubiic nuisance to be immediately removed anr!!or impounded. <br />The impounded vehicIe shaIl be surrendered �o the duly identi�ed owner by the <br />towing contractor only upon payment of the required impound, towing and storage <br />fees. <br />�`::� 2, Sale: Notice and sale of any vehicle impounded ux�der this Chapter shall be <br />conducted in accordance with Minnesota Statutes chapter 168B governing the sale of <br />abandaned motor vehicles. (Ord. 1162, 7-1q-95) <br />407.03: NUISANCE5 AFFECTING PEAGE.AND SAFE1'Y: <br />The following are declared to be nuisances affecting publie peac� anci safety: <br />A. Snow On Noru�ot�rized Fathways: On all properties with off-the-road, <br />nonmotarized pathways, except nontax exempt R-1 or R-2 properties, ice and snow <br />shall be removed frorn the noz�arnotaarixed pathway within twelve {12) hours after <br />snaw and ice have ceased to be deposited thereon. (Ord. 925, 5-9-83) <br />� Low Wires: All wires which are strung less than fifteen feet {159) above the surface <br />:--: of any public street or alley. <br />�P Dangerous Buildings: All buildings, walls and other structures which have been <br />damaged by fire, decay or otherwise to an extent exceeding ane-half (1J2} their <br />original value or which are so situated as to endanger the safety of the public. <br />� Explasives: All explosi��s, inflammable tiquids and other dangerous substances or <br />materiats stored or accumulated in any manner or in any amount other ihan that <br />provided by law. <br />f�. Noises: A1l unnecessary noises and annoying vibrations. <br />� Radia Aerials: Radio aerials sirung ar erected in any manner except that provided by <br />law. (Ord. 2Q7,1�.-9-SS) <br />_ �. Storage of Wood: The sto rage af any wood or wood product used or intended to be <br />� used as fire wood on residential properties withian the Ciry unless wood piles are <br />erected, located and maintained in a safe and arderly fashion: <br />1. In neat and secure stacks eie�ated six inch�s (6") off tt�e ground; <br />��� <br />