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�. <br />,�: <br />�; <br />C.. <br />�. <br />�+i. <br />. �.. <br />P. <br />�• <br />,� .... __ ____...._ <br />2. A maximum height atlowed for a waod pile is six feet {69), and <br />3. Fire wood shall only be stored in a side or rear yard. <br />The City Council may issue permits far the storage of wood in situations wher� <br />unique circumstances p reclude t�e ability to meet the standards of th� Code. {Ord. <br />522, 1-9-67; aind. 1995 Code) <br />Junk: The outside piling, storing or keeping of old tnachinery, f�rniture, household <br />fiirnishings or appliances or component parts thereof, rusting metal <br />inoperabie/unusable equipment, or other deb�•is visible an private or public property. <br />{Ord. i�'f�� ��1�@'-�"�95� <br />ObsCruction of Streets: Any us� of praperty abutting on a public street or sidewalk or <br />any use of a public street or sidewallc w��ich causes large crowds of people to gather <br />obsttucting �raffic and the free use of pt�blic streets or sidewalks. <br />Dangers Am-active to Childrer�: All dangerous, unguarded machinery, equipment or <br />ather properiy in any public pIace or so situated or operated on private prop�rty as to <br />attract minar children. <br />Material Frnrza Air: Throwing, dropping or releasing printed matter, paper or arry <br />ather material or objects o�er the City from an airplane, balloon or otlaer aireraft ar <br />in such a tnanner as to cause such mat�rial to fail ar land in the City. <br />InterFerin� With Drainage: Placing entrance culverts or doing any act which may <br />alter or affect the drainage of public streets or alleys or the surface or grade of pubiic <br />sCreets, al�eys or sidewalks without proper permit. <br />Repairing Vehicl�s or Tires in Streets: Making repairs �o motor vehicles or tires zn <br />public streets or alleys, excepting only emergency repairs when it will not unduly <br />irripede ar interfere w�ith traf�c. <br />Trash In Streets: Throwing, placing, depositing or burning lea�es, trash, lawn <br />clippings, weeds, grass or other material in the streets, alleys or gutters. <br />Unauthorized Signs: Erecting, painting or placing of unauth�rized traffic signs ar <br />adver�ising signs it� stre�ts, alleys or an sidewalks. <br />Interference With Radio Or TV; Ali unnecessary interFerence and disturbanceof <br />radios or TV sets caused by defective el�etr�cal appliances and equip�nentor <br />improper operatian of any defective electrical appliances and equipinent. <br />Storing of Boats, Trailers and Inoperative Motor Vehicles In Front Yards: <br />1. The staring of t�ae f�llowing things for a period longer than seventy two (72j ho�rs <br />in the front yard of any residential zoned area: <br />a. Trailersof any l�ind, unless suppor�ing a baat of twenty %et (209} or less. <br />b. Boats or watercra�t of any lcind in excess of twenty feet {209). <br />c. Inoperative motorvehicles of any type. <br />d. Campers and camper buses. <br />2. For the puarpase of this Section, "front yard" ineans any area between any public <br />street and a line parallel to the public street at the building line. (Ord. 522, 1-9-I967; <br />1995 Code) <br />407.U4: PUBLIC NUISANCE UNLAWFUL; <br />It shall be u�aw�u1 for any person, firm, corporationQr association to maintain any <br />public "nuisance" as defined in this Chapter aaid it shall furtl�er be unlawful to do any act <br />which act is deiined as a public "nuisance" in this Chapter. (Ord. 320, 6-9-1961) <br />407.05: C1TY COUNCILMAY ENFORCE: <br />The City Council may enfarce tlie provisions of this Chapter and may, by resolution, <br />delegate to oth�r officers or agencies power to enforce particular provisions of fhis <br />113 <br />� <br />