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Chapter, inciuding the power to inspect private premises. The officers charged with <br />enfarcement of this Chapter shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent the <br />��... <br />oceurrenceand continuance of pubiic nuisances. (Ord. 11$5, 7-28-199� <br />� � 407.OG: POWERS OF OFFICERS: <br />�. Notice: Whenever the officer charged with enforcerr�er�t dete�ines that a public <br />nuisance is being maintained or exists on p�emises ia� the City, the offiicer shall <br />notify, in writing, the awner or accupant of the premises oi such fact and order that <br />such nuisance be terminated or abated. <br />l�t Sezvice af Notice: The notice shall be served in person or by certified or registered <br />mail. If the prerriises are not occ�pied and t�e ownear is unknown, the notice may be <br />served by posting it on the premises. The notice shall specify the steps fo be taken to <br />abate the nuisatace and the timc, not exceeding thirty {30) days, within which the <br />nuisance is to be abated. <br />�r Nancompliance: if the notice is not eomplied with witl3in the ti�ne speci�'ied, the <br />enforcing officer shail immediately repoat that fact to the City Council. <br />�i. Action of City Council: Upon notice fram the enforcing affic�r of noncompliance, <br />the City Council may, after notice to ihe owr�er or occ�xpar�t and an opportunity to be <br />�eard, pravide for abating the nuisance l�y the Ciry. <br />� Notice by City Council: The notice shall be served in the same manner as notice by <br />the en�'orcing officer is served and shalI be given at least ten (10) days before the <br />date stated in the natice when the City Council will consider �ie matter. If the notice <br />is given by posting, at least thirty (30) days shall elapse between the day of pasting <br />and the hearing. <br />� Irnmediate Threat: If the nuisance poses an immediate threat to tlae health or safery <br />of ihe public, the Ciry may abate the nuisance immediately with no hearing. (�rd. <br />1016, 5-5-19$7) <br />407.07: RECOVERY OF COST: <br />A. Personal Liability: The owner of premises on which a nuisance has been abated by <br />the City shail be personally liable for the cost to �he City of the abatement, including <br />administrative costs, As soon as the work laas been completed and ti�e cost <br />determined, the City Manager, ar other official designated by the City Council, shall <br />prepare a bill fnr the cost and mail it to the awner. Th� amount sl�all be imanediately <br />due and payable at the ofiice of the City Manager. <br />B. Assessment: If the nuisance is a public heaIth or safely hazard an private property, <br />the accumulation of snow and ice on public sidewalks, the growth of weeds on <br />pr�vate praperty or outside the traveled portion of streeEs, or unsound ar insect <br />inf'ected trees, the city manager shall, an or hefore September 1 next following <br />at�atement of the nuisance, list the total unpaid charges along with ali other such <br />charges, as well as other charges for current services to be assessed under Minnesota <br />Statutes sectian 429.101 against each separate lot or parcel to which the charges are <br />am�ibutable. The City Cauncil rnay then spread tlle charges against sucl� praperty <br />under that statute and other pertinent statutes for certification to tk�e County Audztor <br />and collection along with current taxes the foilowing year, or in ann�al installments <br />not exceeding ten (1Q), as the City Council may determine in each case. (Ord. 1016, <br />6-8-198'� <br />4p7.08: ACCELERATED ABATEMENT PRQCESSFOR CERTAIN <br />NiTISANCES: <br />114 <br />