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Itexan Uescription: <br />,�J���' .�i "�"""�"� <br />Cvuncil Memo <br />Pd1'�Ilig �SS[!�S <br />I. BACKGROUND <br />February 27, 200fi <br />Item: 12 <br />At your February 13 meeting, Council asked staff to laok at the parking issues raised by <br />Couneilmember Ihlan, (Her me�na is attached.) <br />Councilmember Thian a5ks the Co�ncil to direct a comprehensive revzew of parking issues <br />TT. ANALYSTS <br />A. Are Parkinn�Com�l�ir�ts Increas�? <br />Parking complaznts are not increasing. They are at the same level Ehey have been. This is <br />true wh�ther we are talking about parking an public streets or paxking on private property. <br />B. What Do I?aricing Carn�laints T��icallV Deai With? <br />We receive parking eomplaints in the foJ�owing situaiians, aman� others: <br />5. <br />7. <br />8. <br />9. <br />�a. <br />11. <br />There are too many cars parked an the public stareet. <br />I dori � like people parking in front of rny hatzse, evean if zt is a public st�eet. <br />I dan`t Iike people parici�lg o�ernight or� a public s�reet, <br />I don't like fhose college studenfs parking on p�zblic streets. <br />I don'i like re�lters parking on a public street. <br />I don't like group horx►e residents, visitors, or staff parkirtg on a public street. <br />I think there are too many �ars parked in that private drivevvay, <br />There � a cax parked an an unimproved sur�'ace, such as the frorit lawn. <br />Commercial vehicIes are parking o� private praperty ar public stre�ts. <br />There i.s a juz7k�r or inoperable vehicte parked there. <br />A vehicle with a"for sa�e" sig�1 is parked on the public street or a private deive- <br />way, <br />12. I don't like to see RV vehicles parking on private driveways and residential <br />pr�perfy, or on putilic streets. <br />13. I dan't Iike to see 5`hWheel trailers parked on pri�rate driveways and residential <br />property, or nn public streets. <br />I4. T don't like seeing baa�s, SitOW1TtOIaiIES, rtnd/ar �terr traile:rs parked an private <br />driv�wa�s or property, or an public streets. <br />1.5. The mail carrier wiil nai deliver because oF a vehicIe parked by my mailbox. <br />