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C. What Daes t�e Citv Cod.e Sa� about Parkin�? <br />The City Code has many provisic�ns pn parking. <br />C.1 In very shnrt su�nary, tlle Code says this about par�Cing an private residential prop- <br />ertp: <br />• Junk ears are prohibited nuisances; the cax �ust be operable and currently Iicensed. <br />• Parking must be on paved surfaces, not on grass or dirt. <br />• Eaeh spaee must be a zxtii��i.znum of 9'xl$' in size. <br />� In an R-1 zone, two spaces are requirec� for eaeh single fanlily home (and can be ei- <br />ther in a garage or autside). <br />• In all other "R" zones, parking m�st be 2 spaces per dwelling unit, one of which <br />must be covered. <br />• Senior housing requires 1 covered space per dwelling, plus visitor spaee. <br />• The driveway may be up to 26 feet wide at the front pxo�er�y line buE can be Iarger <br />within the yard, provided there is rnom �vithi� the 3�% irnpervious surface maxi- <br />muxn on each lot. <br />• The drive must be 5 feet irozn the side lot line. <br />� Where thexe are rnore t11ai16 parking spaces, t�ey must be screened frozn adjoining <br />residentiai properties.. <br />C.2 In VeT� ShOrt 5umrr►aT��, the Code says t�is abo�t parking on pub�ic streets: <br />• i'arking is prahibited nn pul�lic st:reeks after Z" or more of snow has fa11e� and until. <br />the streef is plowed curb-to-c�zrb. <br />• Abandoned, junk, or inoperable vehicles cannot be parked an the street ar righf-of- <br />�rray. <br />• The Code also prohibits parking on streefs in such a�vay that may impede the flow <br />of traffic. <br />• Vehicles with a carrqing capacity of greater than one ton are xestricted from parking <br />on streets for rs�ore than twa hours, unless being used for specific purpases or act�vi- <br />ties. <br />� The Code authorizes parking time resirictions be communicated thraugh sigizage. <br />• Given the bulleted r�strictions above, vehieles may park an public sfreets any�ime <br />ather than where restricted by specific signage, <br />D. Can A Cor�sensus Be Reached �n Parking Issues? • <br />�'arking, like traffic cnngestian and �reeds, is a perennial issue. Reasona�le people can, da, <br />and w�ill differ. Pa:rking regulations have developed and evalved over many years i�t re- <br />sponse to complaints and actio��s by this Council and xnany other couneils, here and in <br />other cities. At no time has there been a consensu� abaut parking issues; instead, there is <br />more of an equ[l.ibz�ium where councils and sfaff have sought to do wha# app2ars to them ta <br />be best for the communify at large. <br />