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Saturday or Su�day. Town clerks' offices must be open for absentee voting frnm � 0:00 <br />a.m. to 12:00 noon or� the Saturday befnre a tawr� general election he[d in March. Th� <br />sc�c�ol district clerk, when perf'orming ��e caunfy auditor's election duties, need na# <br />com�ly with this sect�an. <br />[2D3B.086� [PROCEDURES FOR ABSENTEE VOTENG IN PERS4N] <br />S�bdivision 1. [VOTlNG PROGEDURE] Voters shall si n a rosfer af absentee <br />vo�ers that must include the certi�Fication rovided in sec�ian 2p4C.90. Persnns who are <br />not reqistered ta vate must regster in tl�e mann�r provided in s�ction 201.061. <br />subdivisior� 3. After ihe ros�er has been si ned the a ro riate ballot for #E�e voter's <br />recinct initialed b�wo election 'ud es must be rovided to the votsr. Tha ballot must <br />be marked b� the �oter and depasited in either a�recinct voiing sYstem or in a sealed <br />ballot box. A voter may not leave the pallin�place with th�e ballot. <br />Sub�. 2. [REC�RD �F VOTING] The count audifor s�all ro�ide the munici al <br />clerks with t�e names of ersons w�o have si ned the rnster of absentee voiers wF�ich <br />must be marlc�d r�o later ihan 7:OOam on efectian da ta indicate the voters who have <br />casi an abseniee ballot i�- erson. The rosters ma be marke� either a b�he mur�ici al <br />clerk priar to eleetion dav or �) by t�e e[ection iudges on slection �ay. A voter who has <br />cast an abs�n�ee ballat in persan and �epc�sited it in a ballat box or ballo� co�a�ter mus� <br />not be errnitted fio vote at the allin Eace an elec#ion da . An absen�ee ballot <br />received � mail from a voter who has cast a absentee ballot in erson must be re'ected <br />bv ��e elec�ion iudqes, <br />Subd. 3. �C4UNTING AND COMPILING VOTES� Prior tn el�ction day, �he <br />caur�t auditor shal[ remove �1�e vnted ballnts from �he ballot hox ar recinct vc�tin <br />s sfiem sor� ihe ballots b recinct ar�d enclose them in a sealed envelo e or container. <br />[f the �alEo�s �a�e not been eQUnted the must be delivered either tn fhe elec#ian 'ud es <br />at th� appro�riate �ofling place or to t�e cour�ting center prior to the close of vfltin� on <br />electio� da . Bal[ots thai have been cour�ted must be securel stared � t}�e count <br />auditor or munici al clerk with the �alance of tE�e ballots fram eac� res ec�i�e recinct <br />and tF�e �ote �otafs frnm these ba[[ots must be added to the results fram the ollin <br />Ip ace• <br />No vote ifltals frorn in- erson absenfiee votin ma �e made ublic until the close <br />of �oting on �f�ctio� �ay. <br />