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RAMSEY C4UNTY <br />2007 LEG�SLATIVE PROPOSAL <br />�EPARTMENT: Property Records and Revenue <br />PR�GRAM PROPOSAL. <br />A�thorize t1�e county, o�nur�icipalities and schoot districts to appoin� election <br />judges to serve wit�o�t major poli�ical party affiliation. Currently, th�re are thre� <br />major poli�ical parkies in Minnesota: [3emocratrc-�armer-Labor, Repub�ican and <br />Independence. Giver� �he waning of voter affiliation with the major political <br />par�ies, it is becoming extremely diffi��lt for appointing authorities to find <br />e�ough quaiified persons to �erve as election judges. This sifuatior�, if <br />�anaddressed, wi[I ultimate�y jeopardize our abiNity to conduct e[ections. Proposed <br />language is attached. <br />FISCAL IMPACT: <br />None. <br />SPECtFICS ON WHO WIL.� SUPPOi�T OR t�PPOSE THIS LEGI5LAT1(]N: <br />in il�e pasi this proposal has been oppo�ed by some membe�s of fihe House <br />Republicar� caucus ar�d by the secretary of state. Supporters include MACO, <br />�.MC, MAT, LWV and likely otl�er groups. <br />DEPARTMENT CONTACT AN� PHONE NUMBER: <br />Dorothy A, McClung; fi�'I-266-2196 <br />Joe Mansky. 651-26G-222'� <br />