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*** <br />iv. Side or rear adjacent to street: <br />I�. Maxirttum 5tructure height: Regulated pursuant �o <br />Section 19.4�7 of this Code. <br />(2) Dimensional Requirernents: 7wo-Family Dwallings <br />A. M€nimum fot area: <br />B. Minimum lot widih: <br />C. Minimum setbacks: <br />i. �ront: <br />� <br />iii. <br />iv. <br />5ide: <br />(1) One-stary s#ructure: <br />(2) Two-stnry structure: <br />{3) Atfaehed garage: <br />Rear: <br />5ide or rear acEjacent to street: <br />D. Maximum structure height: Reguiated pursuani to <br />Sectian 19.47 ofthis Code. <br />{3} Setbacic Requirements: Pri�ate Garages. <br />A. Front: <br />B. Sicie: <br />C. Rear: <br />C3. 5ide or rear adjacent ta street: <br />(4) Dimensional Reqt�irements: f�an-Resid�ntial lJses. <br />A. Minimum lot wi[�th: <br />B. Minimum setbacks: <br />i. Fro�t: <br />ii. Side: <br />iii. Rear: <br />iv. Side ar rear adjacent to street: <br />C. Additianal Setback: 6n no e�ent shall any setb�ck for � <br />non-residentia[ use in the RS-1 District be less than the <br />height of the structure. <br />[}. Maximurn Neight: Regulated pursuani to Sec#ian 19.47 <br />af this Code. <br />ART'ICL� lV. DISTRICT REGULAiIONS <br />SEC. 19.41. MINiMUM DISTRICT REQU�REMENTS. <br />(a} Single-#amily residences <br />(1) pimensional Requirements: <br />30 feet or as required in <br />Sectian 99.42 (al. <br />whichever is qrea�er <br />27,000 square feet <br />120 feet <br />3q fieet or as required in <br />Sectior�__1_9.42 (a�. <br />whichever is_qreater <br />1 D feet <br />9 5 fee# <br />5 feet <br />30 feet <br />30 fe�t or as reauired in <br />Section 99.42 (a), <br />whiehe�er is 4 rc� eater <br />30 feet or as required in <br />5ection 19.42 !a), <br />whichevet' is qreater <br />5 �eet <br />10 feet <br />3Q feefi or as required in <br />Sectian 19.�42 (a}, <br />whiehever is c�reater <br />DISTRICT <br />R-1 A R-9 <br />Lat width, non-corr�er 9 UO feet or as req�ired 80 feet or as required in <br />lots **" in Seetion 'f9.A2 �h), Section 19.42 (h), whiche�er <br />�'age 3 <br />100 feet <br />5� feei <br />2� feet <br />30 feet <br />50 feet <br />