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{b) <br />♦e�tk <br />Lo# area <br />L.ot width, corner lots'"*� <br />Ffoor area <br />F'rincipal Structure <br />Front-yard setback <br />Side-yard seiback <br />Side adjoining street <br />Rear-yard s�tback <br />whichever is preater is greater <br />1-9l2 acres 19,0�0 sq. feet <br />12Q feet 120 feet <br />9,7�� sq.feet �,040 sq.feet <br />75 feet <br />30 fee� <br />75 feet <br />75 feet <br />30 feet or as req,Wuired ir� <br />5ectian 19,421a,�� whirhevQr <br />IS „ fq 'BStBf <br />'f Q feet <br />30 feet <br />30 feet <br />Garages* <br />Frqrtt-yard setback 75 feet 30 feet ar as required in <br />5ection 19.42 ,L), wE�ichever <br />is greater <br />Side-yard setback 5 feet" 6 feet*" <br />Side adjoining street 75 feet 3a feet <br />Rear-yard setbaak 5 feet� 5 fae�** <br />*No portion of any principal structure attached to a garage shaif be closer to any lot line than the minimu� <br />distance rec�uired for any principal siruciure in the zaning disirict. Any garage which is conr�ected ta sanit�ry <br />sewer or water shall satis�iy the setback requiremer�tis of �he principal structure in the zoning district. <br />**Where the height of a side wall exc�eds nine (9) feet frorr� the flaor of the garage �o the top af the side <br />wali, fhe side and rgar setbacks af fhe garage shall be increased a two %et for ev�ry faat, or pa�tian thereof, <br />nf height o�er nine (9) fee#. <br />"** 5in 1e and two-famil residential lots a ro�ed b�he Cit after Au ust 3i ZaOS must meet minirnum lot <br />width re �airements nver the firsfi 50 feei of the lot be ond the re uired front sethack line. <br />(2) �xceptions tn C�im�nsional Requirsments <br />(A) Except wh�re otherwise restricted by Section 19.42, �he pro�isions of this Section rnay be <br />madified and superseded under the prnce�ure set for�h in Seetian 19.62.01 only upnn approval <br />af a Conditionai Use Permit far a Neighborhood Unit �evelopment, <br />Two-family and muiti��e-family reside�ces - <br />(3) Setbacks. <br />{A) Yards: <br />Along public streets <br />Fourplexes 40 fee# <br />Larger buildings 5Q.feet <br />4th�r yards 3p feet <br />ihe required setback shal{ be increased one foot fqr eaeh faot of height of the structure aver <br />[ . . . ' .J 30 feet in heiqh# as determiner� In Section <br />19.47 �,t�) !3). <br />(B) Parking Lot Setbacks: <br />Fram sireet 2Q feet <br />From interiar property line 10 feet <br />{C) Garages for twa-iamily dwellings in Single-Fami6y (R-1, R-9A, f25-9) zoning disiricts shall <br />satisf�l th� requirements for single-farr�ily dwellings in the zoning district. Garages for multipfe- <br />family cfwellings may be placed not closer than five feet from a side or rear lot line, except <br />where party wal[s are propased. <br />(4) Minimt�m Row HouSe Ur�it or Lot Width. 16 feet <br />Minirnum Two-Family_l.ot _Width. 1 �0 feet or as reauired_ in <br />Section 19.42 (h), whiche_v_er <br />is areater <br />(5} Except fnr garages, the siQe-yard setback shali in no eve�t be less than five feet less than the height <br />af the structure as determined in Section 19.�E7 b 3. <br />Page 4 <br />