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,�** <br />SEC. 19.42. EXC�PTIONS ANp AQDITIQNS TO SETBACK AND LO7' W1D7H REQUIR�MEI�TS. <br />(a} Where nearby structures in existence an Oc#ober 7, 1974 have a greater frant-yard setback than that <br />r�quired, the minimum front setback of a new structure shall conform io the prevailing setbacK in the <br />imrrtediate vicinity. The fssuing Authority shafl cletermine the necessary front-yard setbaek in such cases; <br />hawevar, in no case shall the Issuing Authority require a sethack greater �han 65 feet except where an <br />ir�dustriai district is adjacent to a residentiai distric#. <br />,�,�* <br />1 lats that are not sin le or two-famil residerttial lots� <br />(2) Iats within theproposed subdivision; <br />� corr�er lots: <br />,(� f�a� lots; <br />,L5} lots approved through the N�iahborhood Unit Development fNUD) c�rocess: <br />6 lots that are not wiil�in 50a feet of the ro osed subdivision when measured alon �xistin or <br />aroposed public streets �nd <br />7 far the ur ases of calculatin sin Is famil residential lot vuidth two-famil lots are �xcluded. <br />�** <br />S�C.19.47. MEIG�IT. <br />(a) Pur�ose - The purpose of Section 19.47 is ta regulate the height of struciur�s in arder ta maintain Ehe <br />character and scala af the predominant single-family residenfia! deveiapment in the City of Blaorningtnn. <br />(b) D�finitians - <br />(1 } Ptoteated residential property - ar�y properiy within the City that meets all nf the fol{owing <br />requiremen#s: <br />(A) The property is zoned R-1, R-'fA, ar RS-1 and ihe property may ar may rtat also have a <br />Planned �ev�Eopment (PR} Q�erlay clas5ification; <br />(B) The property is guided by the Camprehensive Plan for Low-�3ensity Residential, Medium- <br />Density Residential, or Fligh-Density Residentiai; and <br />(C) 7he property is usecE residentially or subdivided for residentia! use. <br />(2) Designated residential praperty - any pra�erty within the City tha# meets alI oi the following <br />requirements: <br />(A} The property is zarted for residential use and the property may or may not also have a Plartned <br />�BV�10�}i1't8t1� (PRj OV�'('I�j/ CI�SSIftC�YIOCI; <br />(B) The properiy is guided by the Cornprehensive Plan far �ow-Dansity Residential, Medi�m- <br />Density Residential, ar High-Density Residential; and <br />(C) ihe property is used residentialiy or sul�di�ided far residential use. <br />I <br />, , <br />Page S <br />