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City Council Study Session — OS/16/OS <br />DRAFT Minutes - Page 16 <br />Councilmembers that specificallyrelated to the use of purchasing <br />cards and the check register presented for periodic Council <br />review and approval. <br />Councilmember Kough expressed his continued dissatisfaction <br />with the current list of checks; requesting additional detail <br />identifying items purchased and for what purpose. <br />Councilmember Kough assured staff and Councilmembers that <br />he was not questioning individual honesty, but using a sample of <br />the weekly report used by the City of Brooklyn Park, was <br />requesting additional information prior to approving purchases. <br />Mayor Klausing sought to clarify the context of specific policy <br />issue or objective Councilmember Kough was attempting to <br />achieve. <br />Discussion included, with City Attorney clarification, City <br />Manager authority related to claims and payment of such under <br />State Statute 412.271; internal accounting and control procedures <br />in place; and the comfort level of the City Council in its review <br />authority. <br />Further discussion included receipt of the Check Register <br />allowing time for Councilmembers to individually review and <br />contact staff with their questions, rather than during a Council <br />meeting; format of current report used by staff to detail the <br />Check Register and payment transactions; and further <br />clarificationrequested by Councilmember Kough. <br />Mr. Miller volunteered to provide additional detail (i.�., attaching <br />purchasing card statements) if so requested by the City Council. <br />After further discussion, Mr. Miller offered to expand the Check <br />Register by an additional column to provide the same <br />information tracked internally and to provide greater detail as to <br />the transaction. <br />Further discussion included restrictions and internal controls on <br />purchasing cards used by staff; <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined that in reviewing overall policies <br />and internal controls, receipt of a weekly Check Register would <br />