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ATTACHMENT 15 <br />Task Force Meetin� Minutes <br />Meeting #3 — Roseville Skating CenterlOVAL Task Force — March 31,2005 <br />member excused: Barclay Kruse, absent: Bill Cushman <br />The meeting began with a tour of the entire facility. Brad Tullberg, skating center <br />superintendent led us on a tour of skating center and OVAL. We began in the newest <br />addition — the locker rooms, used throughout the winter and summer for teams, storage, <br />etc. Roseville High School has sole use of locker room 5 at no charge — they have made <br />improvements to the room and also allow for storage in the room during the summer. <br />Bob W. asked about square footage for the entire facility � Brad will check- should be <br />able to figure out �t'oin construction plans. We were shown the fitness room, used by <br />figure skating, hockey and the general public, dryland training takes place here. The <br />room is rented at a minimal charge depending on the group needing it and their planned <br />use. The question was asked if the fitness area is a requirement for hosting international <br />competitions in speedskating andlar bandy — to the best of our knowledge it is not, but it <br />is a nice feature in our favor when competing against other facilities. A question was <br />also asked about use by city police or firefighters — the room is not currently used by <br />them, Brad reported that Kevin Elm was working on possibly setting up programs for use <br />by the public. We next visited the equipment room for the arena where the compressors <br />and chiller are located — the arena operates by a direct chilling system using freon, 4 <br />compressors are present, all original, but have had motors replaced over the years. <br />Maintenance of the arena system has been remarkable — but will have to get replaced <br />eventually because the necessity ofremoving freon chilling systems by 2015. The arena <br />chiller is scheduled to be replaced in 2006. We then moved outside to view the set up of <br />the aggressive skatepark and in-line hockey rink. The outdoor facility is scheduled to <br />open May 6, Lonnie pointed out the advertising signs for K2 which has had a contract <br />with the facility providing money and skates in the past but now mostly skates. The <br />question was asked about storage of the aggressive skatepark equipment during the <br />winter months — storage is at the State Fairgrounds which does cost the city. Lonnie then <br />showed us where the leak was located under the asphalt leading from the chiller building <br />to the skating field. The leak was caused by shifting concrete with coldlwarm weather <br />expansions and although this leak has been repaired Stephens engineering is looking at <br />ways to insure more shifting will not cause the kind of leak created in the past and bet�er <br />methods of monitoring for leaks. We then moved into the chiller building and viewed the <br />set up for the OVAL, the cap is still off the vessel so we were able to see the tubes, the <br />plugged tubes and view some of ihe tubes that had been removed already. With the <br />leaking of the tubes there had been some cross contamination of the brine and ammonia <br />but every indication shows that the compressors were not affected, replacement o� just <br />one of the 3 compressors would run approx. $100,000. After viewing the chiller system <br />we returned to the Fireside Room to continue discussions. <br />Jeff Johnson first pointed out a correction to the summary from the last meeting — NSYF <br />receives its funds from charitable gambling, not from money paid into the city by other <br />organizations having charitable gambling proceeds. NSYF does provide grants to <br />organizations who serve our youth and do not have their own charitable gambling <br />contracts. <br />ATTACHMENT 15 <br />Task Force Meeting Minutes <br />