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ATTACHMENT 15 <br />Task Force Meeting Minutes <br />group of community members who are not served elsewhere, the skate park also <br />serves to help attract people to Roseville. <br />A key question was asked if it is possible to calculate the dollar cost per <br />user — an attempt to answer this question will come from the discussion on user <br />fees and also the philosophy of contribution from the city this week and next. <br />Other agenda items: Rep. Mindy Greiling was able to be present at the May 12 <br />meeting so she was asked to speak to the issue of state government involvement <br />in repair and operation ofthe OVAL. <br />Rep. Greiling reported that key votes on the future of local option sales <br />taxes may be held due to the proposal for a new Twins stadium in <br />Hennepin county, currently it would be very difficult for Roseville to meet <br />the requirements to add a local option sales tax. Asking to be included in <br />the bonding bill would be the better option for Roseville, but work needs <br />to start immediately if we want to be considered for the next bonding bill. <br />Rep. Greiling recommended that we contact Lyle Mehrkens in the <br />executive branch of the dept. of administration for the state. Bonding <br />needs to have bipartisan support, Alice Hausman, rep. from St. <br />PaullFalcon Heights is the lead Democrat on the bonding committee. It <br />also helps to be included in the governor's budget -� we have already had <br />some contact with the governors office and have verbal support — the <br />governor's bonding budget gets lsr priority. <br />The OVAL was built through bonding money during the Perpich <br />administration. <br />Barclay Kruse brought up the reminder that all of the facilities built for <br />amateur sports were deeded to the communities because the state did not <br />want to be responsible for ongoing operation and maintenance. <br />Since many of these facilities are now facing repair andlor operational <br />issues it was suggested that we consider "packaging" the facilities for <br />bonding — we would be able to get more support from legislators, not only <br />for Roseville — Rep. Greiling thought this could be an option to look at. <br />4. User fees: <br />Brad presented data on how Roseville arena rates compare to other local <br />arenas and how local arenas compare in revenue vs. expenditure. <br />Roseville is in the middle of the range for ice rental rates, and only 2 <br />arenas in the area have revenues that exceed expense including debt and <br />depreciation, a number of other rinks do have revenues that exceed expenses <br />when debt and depreciation are factored out. <br />Next Brad presented information on user fees for the OVAL and methods <br />of generating additional revenues. It was pointed out that these suggested <br />methods reflect increases to the operational revenue and will not address the <br />depreciation issue, also these increases will have to be accepted by user groups so <br />that we do not drive away customers. Also, increases do not reflect using a <br />resident vs. non-resident rate, nor do they include inflationary increases. Rates <br />have tended to increase by $5.00 per hour each year to cover inflation. <br />ATTACHMENT 15 <br />Task Force Meeting Minutes <br />