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house services. The cast for this can vary between $1500- $5000/ home. Also, there is an additional <br />$2 charge for monthly biIls when a home is served by an underground service. <br />Finally, it would still be necessary to relocate and provide electricity ta those power poles that hava <br />streetli�;hts an them <br />Private Driveways: We have mei separately with the owners of 349, 345, 337, 333, 329, 317 and <br />313. The�e praperties access S. 4wasso Blvd via a private shared driveway. We have provided <br />to therr� infarmation about paving their driveway as well as proposed a desigr� ta address their <br />storm wat�r drainage concerns. C�nsistent with past practice, the private driveway <br />reconstruc#ion wauld lae paid for by the property owners. The storm drainage improvemeni could <br />be paid for by storrr� water infrastructure funds. This wark cat� be connpleted in conjunction witl� <br />the project or separate. <br />The City Attorne�;is of t�e opinion that properties alang the private darive, while not directly <br />abutting the street, do benefit from the proposed improver�ent. As such we have put together <br />assessment options that are consistent wi�h the assessments we levied in 2004 for the private <br />drive off of W. Victoria Street Frontage Road. These options are: <br />• Option 1: Use faotage of 349 S. Owasso, the first lot that aecesses the private driveway and <br />apply to all lots on private driveway <br />• Optian 2: Use front faota�e of each individual property. <br />• Option 3: Divide fiootage equally between parcels (6aQ feet total/ 7 total lots) <br />• Option 4: No assessment for S. Owasso reconstruction for lots not abutting public ri�ht- of- <br />way. (both 349 and 34S abut ihe right- of- way) <br />• Option 5: Divide the abutting footage between t�e $ parcels. (81.93'/ S) <br />Staff rec�mmends Option 1. It is consistent wi�:h the Council approved assessments levied �or <br />� the W. Victoria k�rontage Road in 2004. We have attached a drawing showing the options. <br />Staff asks that if Council considers option 4, tha# they also take another look at the other non- <br />� abutting properties on this road to ensure we are treating all properties alike. The homes at 450, <br />472, and 562 are all so�zth af the Raiiroad tracks, tk�eir paroperties do not directly abut S. Owasso <br />Blvd. However, the road is the �rirnary access to their homes. We have calculated these <br />hoz�eowner's assessments consistent with the City's assessment policy. <br />Storm water: Whenever possible, the Ci�y attempts #o eliminate direct runo�f to lakes by <br />diverting stormwater through pretreatment systems. Lake Owasso water quality was discussed as <br />being a primary concern for the neighborhaod as tivell as City staff and Grass Lake WMO. <br />Between Rice Street and Western I�venue: we propose to construct starm water treatment ponds <br />within Ladyslipper Park to accammodate the 160 acre subwatershed that currently drains directly <br />into Lake Owasso. This subwatershed is the largest remaining untreated dir�ct diachar�e af <br />stormwater into Lake 4wasso. GLWM4 as well as the City ni Roseville, have included the <br />reduction o� sediment and phosphorus loading in Lake Owassa as a prfnaary goai in th�ir <br />