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comprehensive st�rm water management plans. <br />W� are proposi�to I�ave the section of the road adjacent to Ladyslipper Park be constructed <br />with a rural cross-section. Part of the reason for this is to provide water quaiity treatrr�ent for th� <br />street rur�off by directing the starm water into razn gardens an the south side of the road. A rain <br />garden is a shallow depression that collects stormwater from impervious surfaces and infiltrates, <br />fiiters, and evaporates the runof£ Rain gardens are typically planted with a diverse mix of native <br />wildflowers, grasses, shr�bs and trees, and are an attractive, law anaintenance adctition to the <br />right- of- way. <br />The westerly 1700 feet of this project, between the railroad trac�s and Dale Street, and the <br />segznent of rnad between the traeks and Western is already served by stoz�n sewer. The <br />reconstructed road will tie into this storm sew�r and be treated prior to discharge inta Lake <br />Owasso. Far th� remainder of the roadway runoff we wiil need to provide in-line treatment. <br />There is no additional right- of- way to aceorn�nodate ponds ar rain gardens. <br />Finaneial implieations: The total estimated project cost and fi�ancing o�the proposed 2005 PMP is <br />as fallows: <br />Estimated cost �ity Lacal City MSA Assessments <br />Cost Cost <br />Street $1,745,887.19 $0 $1,520,8b3.99 $225,023.20 <br />Reconstruction ($26.66/ foot) <br />Storm sewear $292,132.78 $292,132.7$ $0 $0 <br />zmpravements <br />Sidewalk $2I9,996.15 $a $219,996.15 $4 <br />Construction <br />Utility $231,385.10 �231,3$5.�0 $0 $0 <br />Reconstruction <br />Total $2,489,401.22 $S23,S17.$$ $1,740,860.14 $225,023.20 <br />ASSESSMENT DISCUSSION: <br />State Statute 429 has t�va rnajor points to consider when justifying asse�srnents, first, ihe <br />asses�inent has to treat similar praperties equally, and second, the a�naunt of the assessment has <br />to be equal to ar less t�an t�e resu�ting increas� in property value. We have explored a number <br />of different options �'or establishing an assessment rate for this year's project. These options are <br />described in detail in the feasibiliry report. All of tl�ese options include the private drive <br />properties being assessed at the rate established by Qptio�: 1 a� described above. <br />Option A: Use assessable frontage to establish assessrt�ent rate. ($47.911 foot) <br />Option B: Add in Railroad frontage ta determin� assessment rate. {$34.49/ foot) <br />