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Option C: Centerline length times two to determine assessment rate. ($26.66/ foot) <br />We recommend tY�at the City proceed with Qption C to set the assessment rate far this <br />reconstruction project. While the rate is still higher, this is consistent with what we have laeen <br />experie�.czng witk� construction projects. With t�e increases in t�e price of oil, we have seen all of <br />our project co�ts increase in the last 5 years. <br />STREET ASSESSMENT Si7MMARY <br />Estimated total street construction project cosfi (9-ton road) <br />Estimated 7�ton roac� construetion project cost <br />Option C total assessable footage <br />Recomrr�endation for street assessment: <br />100% of project costlfoot <br />25% of project cost/ foot <br />$1,745,S87.i9 <br />$1,617,382.43 <br />15,164 feet <br />$106.66 <br />$26.6b <br />� Z _._ <br />�. _ <br />_ e�. �-. . <br />�... Staff reeommendationc� Staff recomrnends that the Ciry Council order these proposed public <br />�.. __ _.... �..___ _ _ �. <br />improvements c nsistent with the following general guidelines. <br />• We recommend the realignment of �. Owasso Blvd between GaItier anct Matilda Street <br />consistent to accommodate traffic calrr�ing and the Ladyslipper Park Master Plan. <br />• Consistent with the assessments fro� the 2003 PMP, we recommend assessing all <br />properties that use S. �wasso Boulevard as their primary access, even tl�ough these <br />properties do not directiy abut the public street right- of- way. This includes the <br />�ollowing properry addresses: 313, 317, 329, 333, 337, 341, 345, 450, 472, and 562. <br />• Individual lot assessable fro�tages will be calculated consistent with Ci�y Assessment <br />palicy. However, we recommend calc�lating the assessrr�ent rate based on the centerline <br />irontage o� the street, not assessable footage. <br />• To minimize impacis to property owners and costs to the project, we recom�nend that the <br />roads �e canstructed to a 28 foot width, Parking will be accorr��nodated in parking bays <br />where there are no utility or pri�ate property impacts. <br />• Construct a sidewalk along the south and west boulevard of the road. <br />• Install a three way stop at Western Avenue and S. Owasso Blvd. <br />+ Install a three way stop sign at Ladyslipper Par� and S. Owasso Blvd. <br />• Install a stop sign at Sandy Hook Drive ar�d S. Owasso Bivd. <br />__.. ._._.. _�.. <br />--•-- <br />�.. . _. ..... <br />l __._,.__ <br />_._.. ; <br />�� �,- _ <br />, _ .._..__... <br />� RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: <br />Adopiian of a resol�tion ordering the construction o� improvements P-ST-OS-06, with °�`-� <br />recommendations on the street design as outlined above. <br />; <br />; w.., <br />� ,; <br />•_ - t <br />._ . <br />�,, __� --`. � - <br />Prepared by: Debra BIoom <br />