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Dear D�bra Blaom, <br />This fetter is in reguards to the Sou#h 4wasso Blvd impro�ement project. <br />You said at the last mee#ing that if we had any comments we could send them to <br />you ar�d ihe mayor and city council memt�ers. <br />One of the statemen#s you made was that if we think that tF�ere is no <br />benefit to ihe improvements yau wanted #o hear abaut it. I am only commentir�g <br />on ihe phase !I pa�t of the projec#. <br />1 really see no need for the sidewalk and c�rb and gutter. I ha�e li�ed <br />here fior almost 30 years and never needed fihese. Why do f r�eed them now? <br />Today I ha�e on street parkng. Your r�ew plan #akes that away. This is <br />not an improvement. <br />All I see here is a way to reasses o�r property �alues ar�d rais� taxes. <br />Those with fixed income may tF�en be forced #a move. <br />Why can't yau jusi resurface the street like it was done in ihe past. It has <br />on[y been done iwice that I ca� recal! since I ha�e li�ed here. I am sure this <br />would be much cheaper. <br />In lig�� of th� fact that I believe we are going to get this improvement <br />whether we want it or no#. ! would lik� fihe road as wide as possible sa there <br />ca�rld be an street parking and efimir�ate the pai�lsidewalk. <br />As you suggested i will be sending a copy af tf�e lettee tv the mayor and <br />my council member, <br />Sincereiy: <br />Jerry Eiden <br />561 So Owassn Blvd <br />Roseville, MN 55113 <br />