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Ju[y 6, 2005 <br />Charles E. Anderson <br />303 S. Owassa Blvd. <br />Roseville MN 55� 13 <br />The Har�. Craig Klausing, Mayor <br />City of Rose�ille <br />2660 Civic Center Drive <br />Roseviile MN 55'f 13 <br />Dear Mayor Klausing: <br />I am writing to express my concerns about the rebuilding of Sauth Owasso Bivd which I <br />understand is to come befare the cour�cil on Mo�day, July � 1. [ am sending this letter #o all <br />members af the Roseville eouncil, and I ask you #o cansider my se�eral cancerns about this <br />project. <br />�. Loss of on-street parking on the nor#h-sou#h segment. <br />1 have been informed af ineetings held about this project by the engineering clepartment that <br />t�ere wilf be no on-street parking on the north-sauth segment of Sauth Owasso, which is in fron� <br />of aur property, This will hav� a major impact for us, especially at Christmas w�en we put out our <br />Christm�s display and have mar�y people stop�ing over to see the lights and visit. In addition, <br />rnany cars just stop, and some peopfe will gei out and take pictures ar just walk along the lighted <br />trees. Withou� parking, all of th€s will be difficuit. I ha�e �een tald that with ad�ance notice "no <br />parking° signs can be cavered, but since many af tl�ese euents are impromptu, with little or no <br />notice, covering signs will not h�lp much unless I can cover therrr for the entire Christmas <br />season. We also host gatherings from aur family anc€ church at other times af #he year, and <br />many of t�ese �eapfe are elder[y and will be unable to waik very far for parking. <br />2. Loss of trees on the west side of the north-south segment <br />[ aiso have been informed that all of the trees o� the west side af the norCh-south segment wil[ <br />have to be removed for this project. That in my opirtiort wifl be a tragedy. It wiEl affect the <br />property owners no�th of our pro�aerty more fhan it will affect us, since their horr�es are closer to <br />the street and the have little ather shade in some cases. In any respect, fass of the trees, with <br />the transformatifln of the appearance of the street from a semi-rural tree-�lined road to an open <br />street wil[ not fosier property vaiues, and i� my opinion will not improve the appearance af this <br />pa�# of the ci#y of Rase�ille. <br />3. Tractor access to barns <br />I ha�e se�eral tractors which are mostly collector items, but i do use tY�em for mowing, snow- <br />r�moval, and maving things around my property parkicular(y in and out of the barn and blacksmith <br />shop (these were mo�ed �ere from fhe schoal district property in � 995). I euen use them to haul <br />around tl�e Christrr�as fights as I put them up, because they are too heavy ta carry. Howe�er, I <br />have been informed that to get a curb cut, I wiil need a paved driveway leading into the property <br />as far as the city property line. The problem with this is that if will in�ite ot�ers, especially kids, to <br />drive in to fhe property as it will laak Iike a public access. I chase cars aut a caupfe of tirt�es per <br />year alreacfy. I wo�rld like a plain curb cut withaut ar�y dr€v�way so that I can move in and out <br />w€thout it attracting anyone to dri�e into my property. lf I da not have a curb cut, access wifl be <br />