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di�Ficult for me, <br />4. Ladyslipper Park <br />There is a pro�osaf to "upgrade" Ladyslipper Park as part of tite Sau�h Owasso <br />reconsfructian. Although I have no philasophicai objection #o upgrading this park, I do not like <br />sorrte specific parts of the pfan. The east-west segm�n� of South Owasso betweer� Western and <br />Rice sfireets is a relatively hea�ily used feeder sir�et, especiaify since the schoof cfis#rict addition <br />was com�leted. The proposal to curve Sauth Qwasso #hrough the park is really an <br />inconvenience to those who need it for access to Rice Street. Putting t�is traffic thro€�gh the park <br />with resuiting redtaced sightlines borders on beir�g a safety hazard. Last[y, with gas over two <br />doliars p�r gallon, �he addec! distance and additional stops is an expense to all users of the street <br />�ha#, over fime, adds up. I wouid much prefer Ladyslipper park to be kept °natt�r�l" with possik�le <br />baardwalks and traifs in the fu#ure as money becomes avaifable, and fihat the streei remain in its <br />current lacation. <br />5. Cost. <br />I have observed at the me�tings preser�ted by the engineering dept. that mas# of the residents <br />aiong the street are either retired, or soon to be as I am. For them and for me this cost is a major <br />axpense. I would lik� you to consider less expensive alterna#ives such as the mifl and a�erlay <br />that is being done to Victoria Sireet �orth Qf Caunty C. I also believe that the semi-rural <br />character of 5outh Owasso, which this type of reconstruction would preserve, is a valuable asset <br />to the city and shouid not be replaced by an urbar� street without a lot of thaugh�. Furthermare, f <br />do not want any of the assessed cost to go �o park improver�ents, specifically street changes that <br />benefi# �he park, as #he park is an asset to the entire city and should therefore be paid with city <br />�ur�ds. <br />I have talked wifh other South Owasso residents anc� 1 ha�e found t�at my concerns mirror <br />their cancerns, particularly with regard to cost artd Iass of parking. Nevertheless I am very much <br />interesfed in makirtg the City ofi RoseviEle an attractive, comfortabie city in which to live. TF�e <br />saving of #he Gra�ae! barns in 1995 at my own expense, and the annuaf Christmas display are two <br />examples o� my efforts to do so. Hence f do not wish to appear to b� cornpletely agains# ihis <br />projeet. What [ wish to do is to preseni optior�s #o you that will i�� less of a financial burden for <br />res�dents along the street and that will preserve the currartf look and feel of the neighborhaod, <br />and thaf will mitigate �mpacts ta me. Therefare, 1 want to thank you for this apportunity to do that. <br />Again, thar�k you for yaur time. <br />Sit�cerely; ` f- <br />;i��,-`,/i.��% _ %r <br />,� „ <br />,/:%� :�� �'� � �� <br />��- �,� G �� <br />�� � <br />Charles E. Ar�derson <br />303 South Owassa Bfvd. <br />