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City Council Regular Meeting — 07/11/05 <br />DRAFT Minutes - Page 9 <br />meeting with the property owners in the Grandview Town <br />Homes to ascertain their support for the proposal, once a <br />consensus was achieved. <br />Acting Mayor Maschka advised that the purpose of tonight's <br />Public Hearing was to solicit feedback fram property owners and <br />those impacted by the proposed proj ect. <br />Council and staff discussion included standard and proposed <br />street widths; emergency vehicle access; parking; consideration <br />for proposed assessments for the church property, given past <br />assessments to the property; current assessment policy; <br />unavailability of Minnesota State Aid (MSA) dollars on this <br />project; and feasibility of new alternatives. <br />Tim Nolan, Rider Benett Law Firm, representing the Rose of <br />Sharon Nursing Home (parent company: ExtendaCare} <br />Mr. Nolan opined that discussions with the church and staff <br />appeared to be promising, and he anticipated an agreement being <br />forthcoming. Mr. Nolan noted that the Nursing Home's primary <br />concern is the extensive development by the church around the <br />nursing home property; in addition to proposed future <br />development by the church on Lot 2315. Mr. Nolan advised that <br />the nursing home wanted to ensure future access for traffic and <br />parking, noting that Sunday was a busy day for both the church <br />and visitors to the nursing home, so the parties were trying to <br />achieve logical and workable traffic patterns to and �o�. the <br />church that don't interfere with nursin� home traffic. Mr. Nolan <br />reiterated that he was optimistic that the issues could be resolved <br />in the very near future, with agreements for permanent easements <br />and access points. <br />Ms. Bloom noted that staff had concerns for buffering with a <br />smaller width road, but their review was ongoing. <br />Pastor Pete Drake, Senior Pastor, Real Life Church <br />Pastor Drake thanked the City Council for providing additional <br />time for the church and nursing home to work with staff. Pastor <br />Drake opined that progress was being made, and with just a little <br />more time, he was optimistic that an agreement could be reached <br />that would serve the best interests of all involved. <br />