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City Council Regular Meeting — 07/11/OS <br />DRAFT Minutes - Page 14 <br />Mr. Anderson expressed concern with eliminating parking, <br />specifically for special events (i.e., his annual Christmas lighting <br />display), while at the same time not wanting to lose mature trees. <br />Mr. Anderson requested that the City Council consider a <br />surmountable curb; preservation of the "country road" or rural <br />roadway amenities. Mr. Anderson opined that there was no need <br />to replace the roadbed, that it was good enough, and wasn't <br />aware of any drainage problems. Mr. Anderson spoke to the <br />historical nature of the original street installation; and objected to <br />residents paying for park improvements when the entire area and <br />City benefited from such improvements. Mr. Anderson furt�er <br />opined that loss of trees on his lots would diminish the property's <br />market value, questioned the City's ability to assess benefits to <br />the property, and noted his intention to subdivide the property <br />upon his retirement. Mr. Anderson requested a curb cut for his <br />property, but did not want to meet City Code requirements to <br />pave a portion of it, opining it would encourage trespassing. <br />Discussion included the type of curb recommended by staff <br />specific to Mr. Anderson's property; advantages and <br />disadvantages of various types of installation related to design <br />practice and policy, MSA standards, drainage, illegal parking on <br />boulevards, permitting and length of time for parking variances <br />for special events, and illegal gravel driveways without code <br />variance. <br />Kris Kuck, 312 S Owasso Boulevard <br />(corner lot before RR tracks — second largest lot) <br />Mr. Kuck opined that he appreciated Mr. Anderson's light <br />display, but was not supportive of parking on the street; speaking <br />in support of retaining the trees, cutting costs and omitting the <br />retaining wall. Mr. Kuck was supportive of the sidewalk and <br />street, even though his driveway and lot would be substantially <br />impacted. Mr. Kuck noted that their visitors park on side streets; <br />and he was supportive of the proposed urban roadway. Mr. <br />Kuck opined that asphalt driveways and sidewalks would save <br />money, and he favored a narrower road (28'). <br />Roland Wells, 609 S Owasso Boulevard <br />Staff clarified for Mr. Wells that staff was not recommending <br />asphalt curbs, as was his misconception. <br />