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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, October 12, 2009 <br />Page 16 <br />process for the entire budget, given that the tax-supported programs were the <br />City's largest problem areas. Mr. Miller advised that, once this initial BFO rank- <br />ing was completed, the other departments could be considered; however, he noted <br />that those departments were not as time-sensitive for setting the 2010 budget as <br />the proposed General Fund programs and services. <br />Acting Mayor Roe noted that it was staff's recommendation to initiate the BFO <br />process at this point. <br />Further discussion included funding for fee-based community development pro- <br />grams and services, funding substantially by Building Permit fees; State Law re- <br />quirements related to fees charged and a nexus to services provided, thus the <br />stand-alone nature of the Community Development Department and functions and <br />segregation of their revenues; identification of acronyms and membership links, <br />whether mandatory or discretionary and rationale for participation. <br />Councilmember Pust noted that the information request related to membership, <br />their function and their cost, was the additional information covered in the motion <br />on the table, thus the need for prioritization values of such memberships, noting <br />that this was always a budget issue. <br />Mr. Miller admitted that staff did not anticipate that question. <br />With reference to Attachment A, page 1, and "Other" in the amount of $177,000; <br />Councilmember Ihlan sought clarification as to what that actually included and <br />how it should be ranked. <br />Mr. Miller advised that he had attempted to preserve the integrity of the Spring- <br />sted report; and this "Other Unallocated" category was taken from employee <br />time-spent profiles, and their hours apportioned out to many different functions, <br />some as a group and some on an individual level, but not specific to any program <br />or function and difficult to categorize. Mr. Miller asked that Councilmembers use <br />Attachment B, providing more detail for programs and functions in their prioriti- <br />zation process. <br />Councilmembers proceeded through each department, asking questions of staff as <br />applicable, including levels of service; contingencies allotted in the Finance De- <br />partment for all departments; ongoing maintenance of department-specific soft- <br />ware that was not included in the Joint Powers Agreements (JPA's) with other cit- <br />ies; and request for a breakdown from the Police Department for mandated pro- <br />grams, whether state or City ordinance mandated, with the information to be pro- <br />vide via e-mail to Councilmembers for their information. <br />Councilmember Johnson sought clarification from Acting Chief Mathwig, based <br />on citizen requests, of the philosophical relationship of the Fire and Police De- <br />