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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
11/4/2009 12:44:17 PM
Creation date
11/4/2009 12:44:13 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, October 12, 2009 <br />Page 17 <br />partments and first responders to people requesting service, and whether current <br />staffing was "overkill" and could be trimmed. <br />Acting Chief Mathwig advised that, based on the Police Department's philosophy, <br />all licensed officers were licensed first responders, and first on the scene. Acting <br />Chief Mathwig advised that, upon their arrival and assessment of the scene,- it <br />would be determined if and when they could leave the scene for other calls once <br />other assistance had arrived; and had proven a workable system, allowing stream- <br />lined and responsive delivery of service. <br />Acting Mayor Roe clarified for all departments, in terms of looking at service <br />standards, once this first phase was completed, additional information would be <br />needed related to management of staff and funding to make the process work even <br />better. Acting Mayor Roe encouraged individual Councilmembers to a-mail or <br />call staff with additional questions as they proceeded through their ranking proc- <br />esses. <br />Acting Fire Chief O'Neill clarified that fire categories (i.e., firefighting, EMS, <br />equipment purchases) had a dollar amount assigned; however, he advised that <br />those amounts included not only the cost of the program, but allocation staff time <br />in performing those duties. <br />Further discussion related to the Fire Department function included percentage of <br />fire and/or emergency calls on highways versus residential estimated to be 1 - <br />2%; 70% medical-related calls; set-asides for rolling stock replacement funds and <br />recognition that not all departments have a depreciation mechanism in place; sta- <br />tion duties and maintenance for facilities and/or equipment, with firefighters <br />maintaining facilities (i.e., snow removal, lawn care, janitorial services) and most <br />maintenance on small equipment in accordance with OSHA requirements on a <br />daily or weekly basis during their shift assignments as part of their duties; and <br />light maintenance work performed by the Fire Marshal; third party work for major <br />maintenance items. <br />Councilmember Johnson sought clarification of how first responder units were <br />dispatched by the Fire Department. <br />Acting Fire Chief O'Neill advised that the suburban vehicle was dispatched for <br />anything less than a full cardiac arrest to assess the situation; approximately 500 <br />lift assists done annually, and depending on the needs indicated; with most calls <br />handled by on-call staff unless a larger event that would require bringing person- <br />nel in from home, which happened approximately 30 times annually. <br />Acting Police Chief Mathwig noted that every medical call is different, with the <br />caller not always able to provide exact details, or providing inadequate or errone- <br />ous information, and that by providing first responders from the Police Depart- <br />
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