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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, October 26, 2009 <br />Page 6 <br />Councilmember Roe clarified that the joint fuel purchase option approach, similar <br />to that of last year, was based on the timing in the market place. <br />City Manager Malinen advised that staff's analysis had been founded on those <br />similarities. <br />Johnson moved, Ihlan seconded, approval of continuing the City `s participation <br />in the cooperative purchasing venture for fleet fuel for 2010 as part of the State of <br />Minnesota contract. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Ihlan; Roe; Johnson; Pust; and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />8. Consider Items Removed from Consent <br />a. Adopt a Resolution Approving a Request by Boater's Outlet (with owner <br />RECD Real Estate, LLC) to allow outdoor storage as a Conditional Use at <br />1705 County Road C (PF09-025) (Former Consent Item 7.d) <br />City Manager Malinen briefly summarized the request as detailed in the Request <br />for Council Action dated October 26, 2009; with the application process having <br />been heard at public hearing before the Planning Commission, and their recom- <br />mendation for unanimous approval, with conditions. <br />Councilmember Ihlan expressed her concern that, under the Twin Lakes Master <br />Plan, this area had been envisioned as industrial into the future; but that boat stor- <br />age was not the type of use envisioned in that area. Councilmember Ihlan opined <br />that, in granting the request for a Conditional Use (CU), it would continue with <br />the property; and suggested that an Interim Use Permit (IUP) would be more ap- <br />propriate for a period of five years; but opined that a permanent CU made no <br />sense whatsoever. <br />Community Development Director Patrick Trudgeon concurred that outdoor boat <br />storage was not in the long-term plans for the area, and that the property owner <br />had acknowledged that as well. Mr. Trudgeon reviewed the history of the prop- <br />erty, previous moratorium and original granting of an IUP that had subsequently <br />expired. Mr. Trudgeon advised that, with the property .zoned Industrial, not <br />mixed use or Twin Lakes Special, the property owner had the right to request a <br />CU for outdoor storage, since they're already there. Mr. Trudgeon advised that he <br />found no compelling reason to deny them the storage use and shut down their <br />business; and opined that as redevelopment occurred, the issues could then be re- <br />solved. Mr. Trudgeon advised that consideration of this request was not reviewed <br />through the Twin Lakes lens, as redevelopment at this time was directed more at <br />the east rather than west side of the Twin Lakes Redevelopment area. Mr. Trudg- <br />eon advised that staff was attempting to transition the redevelopment area through <br />productive uses rather than vacant buildings. Mr. Trudgeon advised that staff had <br />