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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, November 16, 2009 <br />Page 11 <br />the expense of the Equipment Fund, moving it back toward zero again, with the <br />exception of $110,000. <br />Councilmember Roe concurred with the line item reflecting loss of state aid for <br />2010 in the amount of $450,000, which was in addition to expenses, since the <br />state would take that amount back once they gave property owners their MVHS <br />credits, 40% over last years increase, with the state forcing the City to include that <br />amount if they wanted to provide full funding for their regular programs at current <br />service levels. Councilmember Roe sought to clarify for the public that while it <br />may appear to taxpayers that the City was requesting an additional $450,000, they <br />needed to be aware that the State was taking it back and it didn't really represent a <br />credit; causing municipalities to increase their levy and budget by an additional <br />$450,000. <br />b. Receive Public Comment on 2010 Budget <br />Mayor Klausing opened the Public Hearing at 7:17 p.m. to receive public com- <br />ment on the proposed 2010 Budget. <br />Public Comment <br />For the record, City Manager Malinen noted receipt of written e-mailed comment <br />for tonight's meeting from Garry F. Andersen, 1711 Skillman Avenue W; and Ja- <br />son Etten, 2054 Cohansey Boulevard <br />Garry F. Andersen, 1711 Skillman Avenue W <br />Mr. Andersen noted that he had provided his comments in writing via a-mail, <br />most related to City reserves; and acknowledged Councilmember Roe's response <br />to his a-mail, allowing him to better understand designated and non-designated re- <br />serve funds. <br />Mr. Andersen sought additional information on which funds were and were not <br />designated, and suggested a worksheet be provided for public consumption, and <br />detailing which is based on City ordinance and which related to State regulations <br />to provide more transparency. <br />Mr. Andersen opined that it appeared that the City was continuing to fall short of <br />funds for street repair, based on his interpretation of PMP funds; questioned re- <br />serve fund availability based on investment policies and maturity dates. Mr. An- <br />dersen also questioned the status of TIF Funds scheduled for reimbursement by <br />developers, given the current economic climate and many of those developers go- <br />ing out of business, questioning risk impacts to the City's investment program as <br />well as TIF funds. <br />Mr. Andersen also requested information on the status of contract re-negotiations; <br />future allotment of funds as a policy discussion and in more detail to better define <br />designated funds. Mr. Andersen suggested that if the City was going to tax citi- <br />