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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, November 16, 2009 <br />Page 12 <br />zens to replenish specific funds, then user fees should be reduced (i.e., water, <br />sewer) to provide more cash flow for citizens. Mr. Andersen opined that, com- <br />pared to other communities, it appeared that the City of Roseville was hoarding <br />money. <br />Mr. Andersen thanked Councilmembers for their time and efforts on behalf of the <br />community. <br />Councilmember Roe directed the public to the City's Finance Department web- <br />page, and the ten-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) demonstrating antici- <br />pated needs and expenditures for that period. <br />John Abler, SW corner of RV, 21 year resident <br />Mr. Abler opined that recently, property taxes were out of line, with the country <br />in the middle of a recession and that the City needed to do more with less, similar <br />to all citizens. Mr. Abler cited several northern suburbs (Anoka and Ramsey?) <br />that had actually kept their levies at zero percent; and neighboring Falcon Heights <br />proposing a minimal 1.25% levy increase. Mr. Abler encouraged Councilmem- <br />bers to keep the 2010 Levy close to or at zero percent; and addressed senior citi- <br />zens looking at a zero percent cost-of-living increase in 2010; and were not in a <br />position to pay increased property taxes with no additional income to do so. <br />Mr. Abler noted that, while Mr. Miller addressed past budgets as going down an <br />unsustainable path, as a taxpayer, he couldn't continue to pay double-digit in- <br />creases. Mr. Abler expressed his dissatisfaction specifically with the City's police <br />department and services; and expressed frustration in where the money went. Mr. <br />Abler suggested that the City Manager be more creative in budgeting; and advised <br />that he would try to remain optimistic, but hoped that he wouldn't read in the lo- <br />cal newspaper of the final budget and levy at a 9% increase. <br />Randy Neprash, 1276 Eldridge Avenue <br />Mr. Neprash, speaking on behalf of the Board of the Roseville Citizens League <br />(RCL), advised that they had developed no position on specific line items or pri- <br />orities, but would like to convey several opinions regarding aspects of the BFO <br />budgeting process. The RCL commended City staff, with City Council support, <br />for the various programs and components designed to increase public understand- <br />ing of the budget process and to involved citizens, an effort not seen in past years. <br />Mr. Neprash highlighted some of those efforts, including four public meetings <br />scheduled over the summer months; the instant survey process for participants at <br />those meetings; availability of budget materials on the City's website; and the <br />Roseville University program; materials for budget process on website. Mr. Ne- <br />prash noted that it was unfortunate that attendance at the community meetings <br />was too low to provide a lot of weight on the instant survey results; however, <br />opined that the materials presented were instructive, while limiting the results of <br />