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CITY GOVERNMENT <br />Roseville operates under a Council-Manager <br />form of government. The fi��e-me�nk>er City <br />Council (Mayarand four members) is elected <br />at-large in odd numlxred years to four-year <br />staggered terms. With the exceprion of the <br />Mayar �vho was elected in 1999, the balance <br />of the City Council has served on a long-term <br />basis. The tenure of the elected officials reflects <br />a basic value of the citizens, where extensive <br />service to the community is a shared value <br />among all generations. In addition to the City <br />Council, there are five City Commissions — <br />Parks and Recreation, Planning. Human Rights, <br />Police Civil Service and Ethics. <br />The goals of the City Council as adopted in <br />the City's last strategic planning effort include: <br />Economic Development <br />Conrinue to maintain a positive balance <br />benveen residential and coi»merciali industrial <br />land use; strengthen the business community, <br />while decreasing the dependency on retail <br />development; retain existing businesses and <br />attract new ones; and conrinue to redevelop <br />blighted commercial/industrial areas. <br />Environmental Preservation <br />Identify and solve local pollution problems <br />through clean up, mitigation and prevention; <br />increase farestarion and appropriate green <br />landscaping where applicable; wark toward <br />the reduction of noise pollurion; conrinue the <br />emphasis on waste reduction and the <br />improvement of the community's recycling <br />efforts; promote publictransportation and non- <br />motorized travel; protect sensitive and unique <br />natural ecosystems within the City; and <br />conrinue the emphasis on strong programs that <br />develop environmental awareness. <br />Community Housing <br />Balance different types of housing <br />alternatives to meet the needs of residents; <br />encourage maintenance and upgrading of <br />existing homes; develop and maintain close- <br />knit neighbarhoods, including mulri-unit <br />developments; upgrade amenities and <br />necessities citywide to maintain and improve <br />property values; and help keep educarional <br />and religious institurions as part of the <br />community. <br />Leisure Opportunities <br />Maintain, upgrade and expand parks, open <br />spaces, athletic fields and other ameniries;con- <br />stiuct a Roseville Com <br />ter; expand and imp <br />tenl of non-motorize� <br />and trails: conrinue <br />facilities that meet <br />Iht' needs and <br />expectations of the <br />enrire community; <br />and cooperate w�icl� <br />other agencies <br />and gc�vemmental <br />ullits to max�mize <br />leisure facilities <br />and activities. <br />Community <br />Public Safety <br />Teach crime prevention strategies through the <br />Neigtibonc�xx� Watch prograntis; continue the <br />�lice presence in neightx�rtxxxis to remove��.� <br />opporiunity far crime: maintain and improve the <br />ability of the City to respond to civil, natural and <br />medical emergencies; and improve trat�ic sifety <br />through thoughtful construcrion and new <br />technologiesand prc�cedures. <br />Community Transportation <br />I�eep the integrated community plan up-to- <br />date far all modes of transportation; correct <br />congestionproblems in high-traffic areas: wark <br />to establish an extensive netwark of non- <br />motorized pathways linking neighbarhoods, <br />parks, schools and commercial areas; assure <br />that all road crossings and intersections are <br />properly marked, signalized and lighted in <br />accardance with reasonable safety standards; <br />wark to further develop the community mass <br />transit services; and wark closely with state, <br />county and local citizens to make majar <br />highways safer and mare efficient. <br />The proposed 2001 budget is $37.7 million <br />(S8.7General Fund), and Roseville operations <br />are currently supparted by 143 full-time staff, <br />b7 part-time staff and 423 seasonal employees. <br />Roseville offers it. residents a wide atray of <br />services including water, police and Fire. Rather <br />than simplydelivering services, the City strives <br />to educate, inform and involve residents in <br />the operarion of the municipality. Its efforts <br />in this area have placed it among a select group <br />receiving national recognition far community <br />involvement and responsivecustomer services. <br />Both the Police and Parks and Recreation <br />Departments have achieved national <br />accreditarion and Roseville has been awarded <br />one of the most favarable Insurance Services <br />Office ratings far its Fire Department. This <br />Department was named Minnesota Fire <br />National Gold Ivledal Award — one of the mt�st <br />prestigious and coveted awards in the industry. <br />which recognizes excellence in park and <br />recrcation administration. In addition, the City's <br />current financial credit and bond rating is <br />AA-1. Roseville has long been rated in the AA <br />category by b�th Moody's Investars Services <br />and Standard and Poors, which places � in the <br />top 1(K% of all governmental agencies in Nonh <br />America. <br />Raseville's Public Warks and Community <br />Development Departments are equally well <br />recognized. The Public Warks Department's <br />pavement management pro�;ram provides <br />a systematic method of repaving and <br />upgrading all City streets and is one of the <br />first programs of its kind in the country. <br />The Community Development Department <br />offers innovarive economic development <br />programs, revitalization grants, established <br />housing programs, an annually reviewed City <br />Plan, and certified building officials to <br />assist in developing, maintaining :ind <br />revitalizing commercial and residential <br />properties in Roseville. <br />POSITION OVERVIEW <br />The City Manager is directly accountable to <br />the Mayar and City Council. In collabaration <br />with the City's elected body, helshe is expected <br />to assist in the creation and implementation of <br />the long-term vision and plan far Roseville. <br />This City Manager will lead the arganizarion's <br />management team in warking directly with <br />commissioners: citizens; business interests: <br />federal,state and local government entities and <br />elected officials: and others regarding the City <br />and its priorities and policies. The City Manager <br />has direct oversight of the Assistant City <br />Manager and six deparhnent directars (Chief <br />of Police, Community Development Director, <br />Finance Director, Fire Chie£ Parks and <br />Recreation and Public Warks Directars). <br />