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���� i <br />�� . t� ��� <br />#an � � Fll� <br />�ti,r • <br />. � <br />-- - •T- •-- -- �— - <br />i <br />M1 �� • �K � FlFr�n owma� I�r�rrr � <br />.�� <br />- f++�q�a • RierT [� F vY�Ltvr�� - +�++•'�r'� <br />. �� . ��C� � �i <br />�F�9 <br />, SGlL <br />. Rir�i <br />The new City Ivlanager will be expected to <br />exercise a collabarative and communicarive <br />managemcnt style in arder to foster a posirive <br />warking environment and to facilitate <br />cooperative problem solving approaches to <br />common issues among deparhnent heads. The <br />successfulcandidate will also need to exercise <br />considerable tact, diplomacy and knowledge <br />of polirical issues in warking with City <br />Councilmembers and special interest groups <br />with differing agendas. Other duties of the <br />City Manager include, but are not limited to: <br />• Leading and guiding collabarative,citizen- <br />involved strategic planning efforts <br />� Managing the City with consideration not <br />only far fiscal soundness, but also for long- <br />term economic vitality and environmental <br />impacts to the general community <br />� Delegating to department directars the <br />responsibilityfar attaining their portion of <br />the obj ectives of the City's overall strategic <br />plan and encouraging innovarion and <br />creativity as important arganizationalvalues <br />- Coordinating the wark of these directars <br />and monitaring their individual and <br />collecrive progress against established <br />objectives and ralzing or directing corrective <br />action when necessary <br />+ Establishing and maintaining contact with <br />appropriate state and federal legislarive <br />representatives to ensure that Roseville's <br />positions and priorities are represented <br />accurately and consistently, and <br />�� <br />�#� � ��ville <br />����i�l� �h�t't <br />,�.,� ; <br />C�n n Y�l�ra <br />• dw►� fr�m., <br />- w.�ai���, <br />• Ivti� I��C�o� <br />, ��y�r""`•,.�..�'--_�— <br />- -' � - f--- --T-- <br />� � -'- <br />�14rrrcri Rw�r�l«� Fdk�ihld <br />Prt6J � <br />G1�7vf p�F� <br />. �.�t�rrp� • d.J�'ii�.v • �iiir <br />! �w�kiMo hY+r• fr..t, t <br />• �ry • ip�i�4r • I�yti <br />. a�g , .���WLrF�i+ � �e4'+41M4 <br />� tiv��qao • IW4r+rr�ri <br />maintaining a presence with the Minnesota <br />League of Cities and other professional <br />associations ar groups <br />Fostering and stimulating a positive and <br />dynamic warking environment with respect <br />to labar and employee relations whereby <br />Roseville's employees are treated fairly and <br />consistently at all levels of the warl�arce <br />- Ensuring that the City of Raseville is operating <br />in compliance with state and federal laws <br />and appropriate rules, regulations and statutes. <br />Providing accountability to the City Council <br />on all aspects of the City's operations <br />CURRENTISSUES <br />The City Manager will bc called upon to <br />assume a leadership role in shaping a number <br />of key policy issues and special projects. The <br />following are representative of the types of <br />issues that will require the attention of the new <br />City Manager. The information contained in <br />this secrion is derived from a variety of <br />discussions with a cross-section of staff and <br />community leaders, as well as with City <br />Councilmembers. These issues do not <br />representa comprehensive list of matters facing <br />Roseville, nar are they intended to establish <br />fixed priorities, but rather reflect items that will <br />likely confront the successful candidate in his/ <br />her first 12 to 18 months of employment. <br />Strategic Planning <br />The City's existing strategicplan, Vision 2000, <br />is outdated. The new City Manager will be <br />Pu hl4lbr►� <br />ar�ar <br />- L� ---- <br />• ��cr <br />expected to guide and assist the City Council <br />in facilitating an inclusivecommunityplanning <br />process to deternvne the City's direcrion and <br />priorities far the next 10 to 20 years. He/she <br />will also use this open process as an <br />opportunity to enhance overall <br />conununicadons and marketing efforts with the <br />public and staff. The resultant Strategic Plan <br />must clearly address such issues as the use of <br />TaY Incremental Financing ar alternatives to <br />stimulate economic development and growth; <br />ongoing Code Enfarcement processes/ <br />procedures to protect the quality of the <br />community; and Smart GroMh/Smart Housing <br />Initiatives, which are part of the regional <br />comprehensive planning effart. <br />IHousing <br />Being largely a bedroom community, much <br />� of the City of Roseville's housing stock is <br />�approaching a half a cenhuy old. It is also not <br />uncommon far ariginal owners to reside in <br />: their homes. Many residents do not have the <br />� means to rehabilitate their properties to <br />! acceptable current standards. Ik`��or the City <br />: hasinvestedsubstantialresourcesandattenrion <br />� to attracting and retaining commercial <br />� businesses, that investmentmust now partially <br />� shift to residential and neighborhood <br />redevelopmentlrehahilitation-related needs. <br />Further, enhancing the variety of available <br />housing stock needs extensive analysis/study. <br />Rosevil►e is such a desiiable communiry that many <br />current residents are in search of local housing <br />options where very few e�st. In fact, the need <br />far affardable housing is considered to be <br />