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apprcraching a critiril level J-mx{�Mxi ti�e K� Ru• �� <br />By addressing the circumstances in a nan- <br />tradidonal fasluon, 6�'S1lk has the c�pportunin� <br />to reinvent an ideal ,uhurhan mixecl-��5c; and <br />housing model that addresses e�ol�ing <br />demo�r�phic trencLs in the 21" cent�in-. ll n <br />conurniniC�� Itas an ti sltro-i� L• seniors population. <br />Staff Succession and Retention <br />Like many public sector agencies. Rvsevillc <br />is heginning to esperience clifficulties in <br />retaining and attricting qualified employees <br />in viec�� of the competitive �n:�rkti��pE�tir <br />conditions and less than 3�'o unemployment in <br />the region. To add to this challenge, a number <br />of senior managers ;us scheduled to retire <br />�vi[tlin the next 18 to 36 months. The new <br />City Dltinager must lead the dcsign and <br />implementation of proactive succession. <br />retention and renliitment plans in order to <br />attract and keep the best-qualifiedprofessionals <br />and technical staff. A strong and aicCivc <br />commitment to mentoring. training, staff <br />development .i�itl career developm�nt plans <br />will predictably result in meaningful progress <br />I�i�•�nJ that rnd. The City Manager and Senior <br />Mana�;ement Team ��•ill he asked to analyze, <br />create options and project costs that accurately <br />retlect the impac[s of such efforts. <br />Transportation <br />As the first and second ring suburbs in the <br />Twin Cities metropolitan area continue to gain <br />in population, regional transportation issues <br />will grow increasingly complex. The City's <br />new Nlanager will be expected to play a critical <br />role in Raseville's involvement witl� the <br />Regional Transportation Authority. the <br />Metropolitan Council .ni E the I-3>W Corridor <br />Coalition, all of which are intima[ely engaged <br />in problem solving activities surrounding <br />uans�oaation challenges and opportunities. <br />hlitigatingthe negative impacts of groNnh from <br />environmental, congestion management and <br />infrastructure improvement perspectives will <br />test the creativity of the new City Manager. <br />Technology <br />The new City ?�fanager will have numerous <br />opportunities to ideally positionRoseville as a <br />leading edge government in the realm of <br />technology utilization. The City has established <br />strong programs in the areas of Geographic <br />Information Systems (GIS), project <br />management and basic land use related <br />programs. The City Manager must be a leading <br />advocate for further examination of e- <br />commerce and e-government concepts; <br />narrowing the "digital divide" and ensuring <br />citizen accessibility to technology: and <br />developing a strategic IS I'i' Ylan tliat will focus <br />tkie City on .�� �� ���:� ��•_��.- itixivaik*�• aPPlication <br />.IS lhr best �ossit�le ti5 itii , most effective use of <br />.n.i,l: �vs funds. Promoting partnerships with <br />tk�e Caunq�, schc>ol clistric[s and surrounding <br />go�°emi��ental entities to ensure connectivity• <br />continuity of efforts �� ill t>e important features <br />of any n�•��� tectuu�lor� apProaches. <br />Capital Improvement Programs <br />The City bas Itul rht ability to adopt a <br />philosophy of °pay-as-�ou build" from its <br />resen�es and a�.inet� of other funding sources. <br />Several proposed projectssuch as a new Civic <br />Center. �vhich may include an expanded Fne! <br />P�>lice Pul�lic Safety facility. are projected to <br />cost almost �'100 million. This project could <br />prove to be controversial in the face of other <br />pressing or perceived community needs. TI ti• <br />new City'•1•��••�'•x'� �vill be expected to establish <br />a]tighly •..�ilti;,• and open process in helping <br />the Council prioritize capital construction :Intl <br />��• �;�+. �� �, ��:•� � decisions. i?se of citizen advisory <br />groups, public hearings and a variety of <br />participator) efforts xnay be called for in view <br />of Public sentiments. The growing need for <br />neighborhood rederelopment, stronger code <br />enforcement efforts and rehabilitation efforts <br />will call for the judicious expendi[ure or <br />commitment of funds. <br />CANDIDATE PROFILE <br />The successful candidate for this position <br />�vill be someone �vho is a��isionary� and long- <br />term thinker and is a�vare of regional issues <br />a��d Roseville's impact in the broader <br />metropolitan area. The leadership of Roseville <br />has an impressive history of approaching issues <br />from a local and regional perspective, and the <br />new City �'�lanager will be expected to embrace <br />� � �" <br />� <br />7,,�_ �. ��� �-. <br />this precedent anc( es�and i�is/ her leadership <br />and talents beyvnd traditional constraints. He, <br />she •..III he accessible.visible and ti} i11 ��elcome <br />opportunities to interact •.ti:-1� commw�ity <br />members and other stakeholders. The <br />Individua�l selected for this position will be a <br />directconuttunici[<�r who inter�ic�ts with candor <br />and cour.t�e, even uncler the most difficult of <br />circ-untuances.:'4� �Ik'�+'illlYitix�supc�riorlistening <br />anti communicitions skills, and will Pcxrin: an <br /><ypen, objectiveapprcrach to rn�v -x��xc�h�+ � and <br />the rapacity to incorporate a\vide-rangeof views <br />into the decisic.m making prex�ess. <br />The ncw C:ity Manager must l�a�ve a proven <br />track record of leading callaborativcly and <br />possess �vell-dc��eloped team building ancl <br />facilita[ic>n skills. I Ic 71� will have :i strong <br />intellec�t . u�l a iti�u�. �I interest for staying current <br />}'. illti contemporary local �;r�5'��I�Id51��5� <br />management practices. A strong professional <br />ncnvork ���ill be an asset. In addition, the <br />successful candidate will have �i successful <br />background o f being highly respected hy peers, <br />colleagues, communiry leaders, staff and <br />elected officials. This individual will be a <br />ti;r�;i��: problem solver, sensitive to both <br />political and public processes and will <br />demonstrate an ability to buiLd consensus <br />among competing interests. <br />Tlx' professional chUSen far this position will <br />be of the ltighest integrity, a strong men[or and <br />be able to inspire and m<�uvate othe� to higher <br />levels of achievement. as •.t _�II as be open to <br />change in I, r: interest of improved municipal <br />business practices and etiiciencies. The selected <br />candidate will exercise a strong commitmentto <br />promoting divexsity and equaliry in i I k• workplace, <br />and sharing dus dedication with the employees <br />and citizens of Roseville. <br />EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE <br />The successful candidate must possess a <br />minimum of a Bachelor's Degree in Public or <br />.� f . <br />� <br />,� , <br />� <br />