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13usiness •��u�r�n,rr.i� r� Finance. ���'t � nJ11L'17: <br />or related fields. Additionally�, the candidate <br />•• .I have k.�t �� to ten ve.irs of ti�ti~, .;� i'• ti' <br />management experience. preferably in <br />municipal guvernmenc. An .�, I� . W. L LI degree <br />and or gr.tduate tr�iining in strategic planning. <br />intergo� enunental ,I! ;,�II - legislative acivcxacv, <br />consensus team building, group facilitation and <br />contlict resolution is cic�sirecL Candidates <br />�houlct he fa��liliar ti+i�:i cc�>mmunity and <br />economic development. redevelopment an�l <br />regional planning in a�.II �� :I'.d7 environment. <br />Tlle idet�l professional should also possess <br />� � �I'•ti���ti'�r�lti• kno���ledge of municipal <br />government operations and government <br />financing mechanisms. Experience as a City <br />'•.'.�� .�i:.•� in a community of 30,000+ <br />poi�ulation. ti,�:� .�� �: I k.•� �.�i : City Manager in <br />a larger community or major I�epart�ne��r <br />cli'� i�'i for :t I••,;•• municipal.county <br />government is highl�� desirable <br />"I'he •.i,� �•.�Itd ti.lii.ii.� �.• will alsq possess <br />dei»onstrable experience m �vc>rking closely <br />with City stakeholders and should be <br />� �+u'•����:•Itik� �vith maintaining an active and <br />high profile �vi[hin the community. Frequent <br />partieipation ancl appearances before <br />community groups, regional organizations .II I:! <br />other interest groups will he expected. <br />MANAGEMENT PROFILE <br />This position requires a professional �a�ho <br />has experience working in organizatiqns <br />where outstanding customer service is a <br />critical core value and operating philosophy. <br />The ne�v City }lanager ti�ill be an outgoing <br />and energetic leader. one who �velcomes <br />opportunities to promote the City's future <br />:inct priorities. Such'r professional �rill Iti.�•�ti- <br />an optimistic and entrepreneurial style that <br />encouraKes optimism .i� i.l action from others. <br />He she must be cstremely resourceful in <br />establishing external funding streams and <br />unique partnership opportunities. <br />Those aspiring to this opportunity must <br />identiF�� .ind be able to take swift :i�lti.u•�::i�ti• of <br />oppoztwti[ies for the City of Koseville as Chey <br />arise. In addition, this professional must be <br />creative and discerning in that her'Sk�e is able <br />to generate situations and circumstances that <br />'�y il: .�� I'..�� i.t' the Cin�'s mission. He/she must <br />also be cap�ible of applying excellent <br />communication and interpersonal skills in <br />marketing the City to the appropriate <br />audiences. Candidates should possess <br />advanced business negotiating skills and be <br />�'tble to iclentify the goals and motivations that <br />�itix� interests rn:n• he seeking when entering <br />into potential transactions �vi[h the <br />municipality. Further, preferred applicants <br />will have the abi(i[y to craft their <br />understanding of these •..�: t i• �•.; objectives <br />�� <br />� <br />��� <br />into agreements and contracts that are <br />beneticial for all parties. including the City. <br />The nec� City Manager will value and <br />pr.ic(ice communit). outreach and ensure that <br />this is applied at all levels of the organization. <br />He she �vi1l ensure that the community is <br />treated like an �:��..�i participant in the <br />governance of Koseville and ���ill be <br />entouraged to be active wi[h stakeholders in <br />the identification of communin= priorities. the <br />r'�it'� desired futurc :i:��l implententation <br />strategies. <br />COMPENSATION <br />The City of Koseville has established a salary <br />range from mid-high �90's to low �`-•:I ••� <br />dependent on experience. and car allowance. <br />Along with the opportunity to work for this <br />desirable suburhan communit). is an attractive <br />flexible benefits pack�ige, which includes a <br />Dependent�Day Care Spending Account that <br />allows pre-[ax deductions to pay for expenses. <br />City paid participation in ICNIARC is :I� <br />attractive feature of the CrveralL compensation <br />package. The City Council is currently <br />considering an employment contract for the <br />succetisFul candidate. <br />APPLICATION AND SELECTION PROCESS <br />For additioral information regarding this position, please contact: <br />A1s. "['eri Black or Mr. Jerry Oldani at: <br />��.i� �L���� ����r��rF} <br />188-106"' Avenue NE. Suite 420 <br />Bellevue, Washington 98004 <br />Phone: 425.4">13938 Fax: 425.4j3.C786 <br />E-mail: <br /> <br />The final filing date is January 15. 2001. To be considered for this position, please submit a resume to THE <br />OLDANI GROUP. INC. Following the filing date, resumes will be screened in relation to the criteria outlined in this <br />brochure. Candidates with relevant qualifications will be given preliminary interviews with the Consultants. Interviews <br />will be followed by reference checks after receiving candidates' permission. A final interview process will then be <br />scheduled for selected candidates in early to mid March 2001. <br />The City of Roseville is an Equal Opportunity Employer and values diversity at all Ie� �I� of its workplace <br />� <br />