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2. Do you think the length of your term is <br />a. About Right? Currently I like the length of the terms. If <br />someone needs off a commission before their term is up they can ask ,� <br />to be removed. All commissioners know in advance the commitment <br />they are making when appointed. <br />b. Too Long? <br />c. Too Short? <br />Explanation, if you wish, about your choice above: <br />3. Do you agree with a limit of two terms? <br />Or would you prefer no term limit? I think not having a term limit <br />allows someone to be on a <br />commission unlimited timewframe to �ontinue there work.If a commissioner needs to be asked <br />�o leave a commission for�a a reasonable documentaed reason the City Council should be <br />able to have that right. <br />Or would you prefer some term limit'greater than two terms? Explanation, if you wish: <br />� <br />4. Regarding the reappointment process, do you think the City <br />Council r <br />should re-interview sitting commission members who seek reappointment, and then evaluate <br />those sitting commission members for reappointment <br />along with new applicants for that commission position? I think the <br />current commissioner record and years servied should be looked at and possible need to be <br />a case by case outcome. <br />Is there any other input you would like to provide the City Council about the commission <br />re-appointment process? <br />5. For the Public Works and Transportation Commissioners, do you <br />think <br />your commission could or should address environmental issues not currently being handled <br />by the Parks and Recreation or Planning Commissions? <br />Why or why not? I do not think the role of the two commissions would be to address <br />Environmental issues Unless thay are trained in the area. Unless the two will tie in with <br />the community piece. (I may also need more information on what each commission does to be <br />100o sure of my answer). <br />6. Is there any other information you would like to give the City <br />Council about Roseville's citizen advisory commissions? <br />Maybe have an open forum if need be asking for citzens input or have an open meeting with <br />all commissioner to brain strom ideas. <br />Thank you for your input. And thanks for all you do for the City of Roseville. <br />Neal Beets <br />City Manager <br />Office: 651-792-7021 <br />Mobile: 651-775-3556 <br />Fax: 651-792-7020 <br />� <br />