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JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT <br />TO PROVIDE FIRST ALARM FIRE RESPONSE <br />BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />AND THE CITY OF <br />THIS AGREEMENT, entered into by and between the CITY OF ROSEVILLE, a <br />Minnesota municipal corporation, and the CITY OF , a Minnesota <br />municipal corporation, is effective upon the execution of this Agreement by the named <br />officers of both cities. <br />WHEREAS, the Cities provide fire protection services within their respective <br />jurisdictional boundaries, and; <br />WHEREAS, the Cities desire to maximize the level of fire protection services <br />provided within their respective jurisdictions, and; <br />WHEREAS, the Cities are members of the Capitol City Mutual Aid Association, <br />a Joint Powers Agreement which provides equipment, personnel, and facilities to the <br />participating jurisdictions on request, and; <br />WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 471.59 authorizes political subdivisions <br />of the State to enter into agreements for the j oint and cooperative exercise of common <br />powers, including those which are the same except for the territorial limits within which <br />they may be exercised, and: <br />WHEREAS, the Cities desire to enter into an agreement to provide automatic <br />first-alarm response to structure fires within their respective jurisdictions, and; <br />WHEREAS, the Cities find it in their common interest and benefit and in the <br />interest and benefit of their citizens to enter into an agreement, with each other, <br />concerning automatic first alarm response to structure fires within their respective <br />jurisdictions. <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cities hereby, by act of their <br />City Councils, enter into a Joint Powers Agreement for automatic first-alarm response to <br />structure fires as provided herein: <br />