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3.8 Additional noise is not a significant problem. The bingo hall does not serve alcohol. <br />Police records from previous license approvals indicate few disturbance or loitering calls <br />at the current location (Knights of Columbus). <br />3.9 Rooftop mechanical units will be screened if necessary. In a preliminary review of the <br />site it appears that only the north and west side of the units may need to be screened. The <br />east side has the advantage of the extended facade and the south side property line lies <br />too close to view the units. The developer will be required to meet MPCA noise <br />standards with the newer units. <br />3.10 Trash will either be kept inside the bingo hall area or a roofed enclosure to be <br />constructed. Section 10 10. 1 1D allows low volume generators (180 gallons or less and 2 <br />recycling containers a week) to be located inside a principal building or hin a 100% <br />opaque screened storage unit. Staff has indicated that the trash containers will need to be <br />kept inside the bingo hall until the day of pick-up. Engelsma Limited Partnership is <br />reviewing whether this option works. <br />3.11 The lighting plan proposes to replace all luminaries and some poles to conform to the <br />City Code. Those poles within 100 and 300 feet of adjacent residential uses may need to <br />be modified to meet the heightened 24-hour use requirements. <br />3.12 Screening will be required for the parking lot along Terrace Drive and for portions of the <br />parking lot adjacent to Hamline Avenue. Engelsma Limited Partnership has provided the <br />City with a preliminary landscape plan, which the staff and developer will refine prior to <br />building permit issuance. <br />3.13 Traffic in the area of Hamline Center will increase with the addition of the bingo hall. <br />However, this commercial strip center was designed to accommodate a modest volume of <br />traffic and the roadways adjacent to it are more than adequate to handle the increase <br />traffic. Ramsey County Traffic Engineer, Dan Soler, reports that Hamline Avenue has a <br />current traffic count of 9,000 vehicles per day and a design capacity of approximately <br />16,000 vehicles per day. This proposed use would add approximately 500 to 600 vehicle <br />trips per day on a peak bingo day; an increase of approximately 6% over the present use <br />and well within the capacity of the road. <br />3.14 Hamline Center is a pre-existing commercial area that currently does not meet certain <br />City Codes. However, only a few requirements are applicable to the interior renovation <br />proposed for the bingo hall and affected by the added parking demand. They include the <br />screening of roof top mechanical units (Section 1010.07); the provision of a roofed trash <br />enclosure or storage of trash somewhere inside the bingo hall (Section 1010.11); parking <br />lot lighting that meets the heightened SC district 24-hour use requirements (Section <br />1006.025); and screening of off-street parking lot areas from adjacent residential uses <br />(Section 1006.02A, F, and G). <br />3.15 Any proposed signage for the bingo hall must meet the requirements of Section 1009.03 <br />of the Roseville City Code. <br />PF3251 RCA (092500) Page 4 of 7 <br />