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3.7 The proposed location of the storage area and car wash (south of the existing structure and least <br />visible from the street) utilizes existing impervious area. <br />3.8 Site improvement conditions may include such items as increased setbacks from property lines, <br />landscape screening, architectural color and design/materials details, drainage provisions, and <br />limiting additional exterior storage. <br />3.9 The proposal also requests three variances. They include: 1) a 3 foot setback variance for the <br />proposed exit drive lane to be located two feet from the side lot line (west) (Section 1005.09C); <br />2) a 7 foot variance for the pre-existing non-conforming parking area currently located 8 feet <br />from the east property line where there is a required 15 foot parking lot setback from a street <br />right-of-way (Section 1005.O1D6B); and 3) a 10 foot variance for the pre-existing non- <br />conforming driveway which is located 40 feet from the intersection where there is a required 50 <br />feet setback from intersecting street right-of-way lines (Section 1005.09E). <br />Code Existing Proposed Variance <br />Re uirement Condition Condition Condition <br />Setback Ad'acent Street ROW 15 feet 8 feet Same 7 feet <br />Side Yard Setback 5 feet 5 feet 2 feet 3 feet <br />Access from Street ROW Line 50 feet 40 feet 40 feet 10 feet <br />3.10 The City has worked with Mr. Brausen to design the car wash addition to have the least amount <br />of noise, physical, and visual impacts on the site and the adjacent (south) residential properties. <br />However, the site could not be designed to eliminate the variance for the drive lane. The drive <br />lane must be a minimum of 12 feet wide to handle larger vehicles. The applicant discussed <br />purchasing easements or up to 5 feet of property from the Jubilee parking lot but found that <br />solution costly and wasteful of existing parking areas. <br />3.11 The staff has determined the variances from Section 1005 .0 1 D6B and 1005 .09 to be pre- <br />existing and require City action to a11ow Mr. Brausen to proceed with site improvements. <br />Requiring Mr. Brausen to modify his existing parking area adjacent to Dale Street to meet City <br />Code would effect the ability of the site to meet the off-street parking requirements. Mr. <br />Brausen, at the urging of staff, will close the northern most access to Dale Street, eliminating <br />one pre-existing non-conforming driveway access. <br />3.12 Staff also has determined the setback variance from Section 1005.09 of the Roseville City Code <br />to be pre-existing. The removal of the Dale Street access will provide the site with additional <br />landscaped and buffered green area, creating a pleasant extension on the Dale Street pathway <br />project and is supported by the applicant. However the second access to County Road B is <br />necessary to provide safe maneuverability of the gasoline tanker trucks. For this reason, staff <br />supports the variance. <br />PF3253 RCA (092500) Page 3 of 5 <br />