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f�� <br />REQU�ST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />Date: August 17, 2009 <br />Item No.; 13.d <br />Department Appro�a[ <br />Ite�11 Descri�Cion: Revisit Co�mcil Liaison AppoinC»�e�ilts <br />BACKGROUND <br />City Manager Appt•oval <br />� / <br />� On January �, 2009, the Couneil c�iscussed Cij� Council liaisons, b�it ���ade n� cllanges to Che <br />existing appaiilti��ents. Currently Councilmeinbers do [�ot l�ave alternates to the Nort[� Suburban <br />Cab[e Commission and the Ramsey Count}� League of Loca! Gover�unents. <br />POLiCY OI3JECT�VE <br />� Tnsure adequa�e communication and representa�tion bet�veen Councilme«�bers and other <br />�overnmental and non-governc��ental co:nmittees, associations an.d organizations. <br />rr�:�rrc�:��, iMrAC�rs <br />None <br />STAFF RECOA'In1E1DA"I'IOn' <br />� Consider ap}�oi��ting alternates Co the �lort�h S���b�u�ban Cable Cammi�ssion and the Ramsey <br />Cou»ty League ofi' Local Gove►`mnet�ts and discuss any other issues refating to liaisons. <br />- R��ocs�r�n C�u�vC1L AC�i`ion�� <br />Considcr appoiiltiilb aEternates to the North Suburban �able Commission and the Ramsey <br />� County League ofLocal Coverniz�eilts ai�d discuss az�y other issues relat���g to liaisons. <br />P�-erared by: William J. Malinen, c�ty n�au�gcr <br />Att�ach�7�cnts: A: 3vli��utes c>fJan�eary 5, 2009 <br />B: Cierrent list of Co�ncil Wleiz�bcrships/(.,iaisons <br />Paee 1 of ] <br />