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A�tachment A <br />Regular City Council MeeEing <br />M.ond�y, ,�anuary OS, 20U9 <br />Page 8 <br />���ncilrrtember Roa noted that no formal action was necessary; that tiie Rules of <br />edure would stay in eifect as «�ritfen until changed. <br />� b. Drscuss Cify Counci.l Liaiso��s <br />Ci1y Ivlanager Malinen noted that this itern �vas being braught fon�ard for discus- <br />sion purposes with the new City Cauncil now in place. <br />Discussion incluc�ed past discussians W3t�1 no indication for additionai and/or <br />more formalizcd liaisons; ]ack of generai consensus for designated liaiso�is far <br />adv�sory cotnmissions to the City Council; perceptions of whetller Council liai- <br />sons were voting members or the'tr inf]ueiYCe on diseussions at camrriission levels; <br />and how the City Coun.cil related as a body to other government groups and agen- <br />cies {i.e., Sclldol Board},. <br />Furtlier discussion included past history and criticisms from City Counci! liaisons <br />to the Piannit�g Commission; edu�ati.on of the pubIic and �utside agencies of spe- <br />cifc and appropriate contacts within City govemment for their par[icuIar concerns <br />and/or questions, ar�d whether a specif c cont�ct person was inc�icated. <br />Mayor Klausing opined that he preferred ad�visory comm�ssions fo pro��ide him <br />«ith their honest and independent opinions and recommendaiions. <br />Councilrnernber Roe opined that i�f tf�e City �o�rnCil is paXing. aitention to advi- <br />sory meetings through their personal attcndance at meetings ot review of those <br />meetings via tape-delay, they were a�vare of their discussions regarding specific <br />topics. Councilmer�lber koe noted that it inay make sense to have a d�signated <br />point af contact for those advisory comniissions to help facilitate communication <br />between the City Council and advisory group; however, clari.fied that he was not <br />advocating for such a contact person. <br />Councilmember Pusi opineii that Coiuicilmem.bers should not be on advisory <br />commissions; and of�ered that she was wil.iing to discuss the City Council f.�., <br />role on the Housing and Rede�relopment Authori#y (HRA) as weil if the City <br />Council so desired. Councifinember Pust fiu-ther opined that the Cit��'s advisory <br />commissions �vere doing great �vork; ho�vever, the City Counci! was not always <br />aware of their discussions ou�side their ar�nu�1 report to the City Gouncil, and <br />c�tiestioned whether there was a role for a cammunication link between the Citv <br />C�uncil and commissions. ' <br />Councilmember Johnson opined tliat perhaps #he Chairs of each commission <br />should serve as liaisons to tl�e Cify CounciI to make the City Council more acces- <br />sibi.e to their specific comm�ssian, <br />Mayor Klausing expressed interest in Counciltnei�ber Johnson's concept, and <br />saught adc�itional cietail and how that liaison positian �vould best function. <br />_ ,r,. <br />r _ ��.:�%:�:���Am��_��Y�:��.�... ,v �-�,�,. <br />