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Re�ular City C�uncil Meeting <br />Mouday, �7anuury 05, 2009 <br />pa�e 9 <br />Councilmember Johnson advised Ehat commissions hed great access to in-house <br />assisfance throu�I� staff providing good comm�ication flow; and noted that <br />commission Chairs cQUld serve as conduits between their respective groups anci <br />the Cit� Council, sinlilar to ambassadors. <br />�fayor Klausing reiterated his prefercnce that the liaison roles for the Ci.ty Coun- <br />cil would be irlformal, �llowing for continued inde�en.dent advice from advisory <br />comrnissions. <br />Councilmen�ber Roe noted the original interit in havin� a City Council 12aiso to <br />thc HRA was ta ensure a good connecfion between the two bodies. <br />Councilmembers eoncurred thai additional thought needed ta be given; and re- <br />quested Ehat staff prov�de an updated list af assignments a:nd invoivement in vari- <br />ous groups by current Councilmernbers. Ivfayor Klausing asl�ed. that individual <br />Councilmembers provide feedback to staff on their specific interests to include <br />�vith the updated list for Councilmembers to facilitate fiirther discussion and con- <br />sideratian. <br />Councilmember Johnson sougl�t eTarification on the ariginal point of reference for <br />tiai os n assi�nments, whether at the request of or frorn frustrations expressed by <br />cotnmissions, or in th� City Counci['s efforf:s to be more cornmunicative with <br />t�eir advisory cornmissions. <br />Councilrnember Roe advised that �t was itZitiated from his review of othcr cities <br />and their interactions with their advisory commissions and oFher goven�nent <br />agencies. Councilmember Roe specificail� noted th�t roles of the City Council Ii- <br />aisons in the Ramsey County League of Local Governments (RCLI,G} anci the <br />Cable Comntissian, and potential need for designaied aI[ernates for those �roups. <br />Mayor Klausing noted his angoing i�lterest in serving as an a3ternate to the Com- <br />municaiian Comnzission. <br />Cauncilmember Pust noted that part of the discussion should be �vhether Coun- <br />cilmembers wished to continue serving in their current 1'iaison ra[es; ar .vhether <br />they were interested in expanding or refreshing their interests. <br />Mayor Klausing conc�irred, iioting thaT there was value in continuity, but also <br />value in educating Councilmembers in other areas of interest to aid their decision- <br />making. <br />CounciImember Ihl�n noted that a designee to the Cable Commission coald be a <br />mem6er of tne pubiic, as weil as a Coun�cifrneinber. <br />. ,,.�:�����.������x,.. .�....-� x,k.w.��>..-.,Rn..��.m <br />