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Co�incil Membershi�s/I�iaisons <br />Curreiit iVlen�bers[�i�s: <br />���1y01' �IiiL2SiIl� <br />Couizcilmember Chlan <br />(Council appolntcd/requested o:i1y) <br />Co�ulcilmef�lbei• I�oueh <br />Attachmen� B <br />Fire Relief Associ�tion (requrredbystafeslcrltue) <br />(I x �no) <br />IZosevi]lr. Armoi}� Citizen's Committee for the �lational CTuard's [ocal tanits <br />(no regtilur meetings; they do hcrve pt�b/re events as aflnoauiced at counci( meetingsi <br />Ramsey County Leagt�e of Lacal Governments <br />(1 ,i �rio plus meetir�g prep lin:e and emcri! clisci�ssions} <br />Nature Center Sluciy Task Force <br />(1 .r mo pl7rs �rieeting prep rime nnd emui! drscafssio�7s) <br />Co�tiE�rel�cnsive l�la�� St�eri�i� Cot�lnt�ittee <br />(1 �' �no p(us meeting prep linte and e�rrQi7 CJiscussiau) <br />No�th Suburi�an Commtinications Coi��mission <br />Cotrnci[memE�er Pust I-Iousing ancE Redevelopniei�t Authority <br />(I � mo, Value to Counci(: C"o��sisl�ericy irr co�mmun�icatron rrfad polzcy drrectionj <br />North �,Vest Youti� & I'amily Services Board of Directars <br />( 1 x rno, !''a/ue 7o Councrl: Policy rnpr�! for cost-effeclive programmrn� <br />Roseville Communiiy �'dundation� (VP) <br />Councilmetnl�er Roe <br />Si�g�ested Membershi�s: <br />CotEi�cili��ember Roe <br />(2 x Otf-Iy, one btrsiriea�s meeting, o�ie meetrng zo to review grant apnsj <br />I�'orth Suburban Senior Coul�cil (unofficial [i�ison for 2 yrs; serve as attorney) <br />(1 x nio for 1 hrs plus nreetrrrg prep tinre) <br />Roseville Armo�y Citizen's Co��ini[tee �or the National Guard's local units <br />(nu regular nleetrngs; 7k�ei� do hcrve public eve�rts as anno�a<rrce�! at coi��acil rr�eetings) <br />NSCC:/I`S�1C Vice C1�airNice Pres 2009 <br />{lxrr7o) <br />Co�7lpr�hensi��� Plan �teering Comtnittze <br />(1 x lno) <br />i�oseville Ar�noiy Citi.zetis Cc�mmittee <br />(as �zeededJ <br />Rosevillc Armory <br />Schc�ol Boards <br />Neigl�borllooci Assns <br />�1eigEiboring CiCy Cou»cils <br />Ramsey Count}� Board <br />Libraiy Group <br />P&R Founcia�ions <br />Senior Assns. <br />RoseviEle Comynuttity Fund <br />Roseville Historical Society <br />\'ote rc�ardin� Caunr,iln�ember Hoe's suggested memberships: "4rganizations listed are not strictly for mcinhership; <br />bf�t rarher iil n�lany cases far possib�e li�aison status. �l think it m�kes serise to c�iscu�s�s iiotv vve as a city �nc�l/or �s a cou�.iei] �vai�t <br />[o rel�te to niany o1'those or�a.niiations in aur conununity (anel others that couilcil or staff might identify, too.)" <br />rev 1/�'6/09 <br />