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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March O1, 2010 <br />Page 4 <br />tions of employees' work against those items, or whether employees were <br />performing the same job descriptions as before the Imagine Roseville <br />2025 process. <br />Mr. Malinen advised that, through ongoing review of the items of the re- <br />port, items were delegated among various departments; but it was found <br />that some could use tweaking and had been reviewed again and brains- <br />tormed from a staff perspective. From a management 'perspective, Mr. <br />Malinen advised that the document was probably not used on a day-to-day <br />basis for employee evaluations, but was inherent in staffi s thought <br />processes in an informal manner. Mr. Malinen advised that, as initiatives <br />were brought forward, they were analyzed against the vision, goals and <br />strategies, with action steps weighed against whether they were consistent <br />with that vision. <br />At the request of Councilmember Roe who questioned if everything on the <br />list went through that vetting process at a staff level, and if the list pre- <br />sented was all-inclusive from staff's perspective, Mr. Malinen responded <br />affirmatively. <br />Councilmember Roe questioned if some items no longer needed to be in- <br />cluded on the list, if they were not a priority on the list or for the City <br />Council to avoid confusion and allow better focus; and whether they <br />should be kept as an idea for the future when resources and budgets may <br />be less tight. <br />Discussion ensued related to the origin of the Action Steps after the Im- <br />agine Roseville 2025 visioning process, with short, medium and long- <br />range priorities established by the City Council, along with Steering <br />Committee input. <br />At the request of Councilmember Johnson, Mr. Malinen confirmed the <br />size of the Administration Department at 5.75 FTE's: City Manager; Hu- <br />man Resources Director; Communications/Recycling Specialist: Commu- <br />nications Specialist: Administrative Assistant; and Office Assistant. <br />Mr. Malinen clarified the funding for the department, including tax-based <br />funds from the General Fund; and approximately twenty percent (20%) <br />funded through cable franchise fees for communication salaries, recycling <br />fund revenues and grant funds. <br />Further discussion included historical reductions in staffing in the Admin- <br />istration Department over the last 15-20 years, including elimination of the <br />Assistant City Manager (in approximately 2002) with Administrative staff <br />and the City Manager compensating for that reduced staffing by absorbing <br />