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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March O1, 2010 <br />Page 5 <br />those duties; advantages in improved productivity with reinstatement of <br />that position, with the City Council support function requiring significant <br />time; lack of resources available to effectively and efficiently handle in- <br />creasing record management responsibilities; and anticipated increases as <br />performance measurement applications are implemented. <br />Additional discussion included impacts of the 2010 budget that may have <br />negatively impacted the department, with City Manager Malinen noting <br />that, since the 2010 budget was basically a continuation of the 2009 budg- <br />et, the department experienced a fair amount of cuts in the Human Re- <br />sources area, with significant reductions or elimination of on-line training <br />(for diversity, customer service, harassment) that had previously been a <br />cost-effective way to provide training for participation by all employees. <br />City Manager Malinen reviewed metropolitan area and out-of--state train- <br />ing options for specific department employees, offering insight into the <br />training he thought was most necessary to keep employees up-to-date with <br />their jobs, based on required training, optional training, legislative man- <br />dates, and interaction with industry peers. City Manager Malinen opined <br />that, as the City's most expensive resource was its employees, it was pru- <br />dent to keep them up-to-date and knowledgeable, as well as providing <br />them continuing education as an expression of appreciation for the work <br />they performed on a daily basis. City Manager Malinen advised that as <br />training opportunities were presented, they would be presented to Coun- <br />cilmembers for their approval. <br />Councilmember Pust questioned what measurable outcomes were availa- <br />ble for the department in terms of the BFO process; and whether there <br />were items that could be identified for reduction that could be reallocated <br />for training budgets. <br />Mr. Malinen advised that all departments had been tasked with identifying <br />outputs and outcomes, as previously discussed, and while output could be <br />measured, it was more challenging for his department as there were few of <br />those types of specific activities (i.e., quantifying customer contact, while <br />being unable to identify whether it was a positive or negative contact); in- <br />dustry standards for the recycling portion; and broader measures for over- <br />all management and support of other departments. <br />Councilmember Pust expressed interest in seeing performance measures <br />from administrative staff related to managing staff, not interaction with <br />residents (i.e., the number of grievances filed; compliance with Human <br />Resource training and number of staff signed up for those training oppor- <br />tunities or difficulties in getting employees to sign up for training, and <br />how they are presented and timelines for them); and whether employee <br />health insurance questions are answered and their needs met sufficiently - <br />