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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, February 22, 2010 <br />Page 19 <br />compliance issue had resurfaced as staff was researching the property's history <br />several years ago when a request for a deli use at this site was brought forward. <br />Public Comment <br />Patrick Schmidt, 1140 Autumn Street <br />Mr. Schmidt, representing neighborhood property owners, collectively having 26 <br />children living on Autumn Street, opined that the proposed request of Mr. Hussain <br />did not come to the neighbors with any trust engendered of them from the proper- <br />ty owner. Mr. Schmidt addressed numerous issues with outside storage of items <br />on the property, lack of screening of the commercial property from adjacent resi- <br />dential properties, as well as overall maintenance of the property during the sum- <br />mer months. <br />Mr. Schmidt addressed concerns with traffic volume onto Autumn Street as ve- <br />hicles attempted to avoid congestion on Lexington, and increased safety issues; <br />impacts of future uses and/or property owners of this site; and expressed concern <br />that this property was out of character with residential properties on the south <br />side; and opined that increased signage for employee only parking signs on Au- <br />tumn Street would only increase impacts to Autumn Street. Mr. Schmidt re- <br />quested that the City Council consider the long-term vision for this property as it <br />related to other improvements along Roselawn and Lexington and the value of <br />developing this remaining southwest corner of that intersection, and to consider <br />long-term ramifications and deny this appeal of the enforcement action. <br />City Attorney Bartholdi, in response to Mayor Klausing's clarification of the pro- <br />posed actions. requested of the City Council, advised that the City Council had the <br />right to deny or approve the CUP Amendment, similar to a new CUP. Regarding <br />the staff request to order compliance with Resolution No. 9414, Mr. Bartholdi re- <br />quested adelay in action on that matter until he had further researched the current <br />use as it related to the original CUP for the veterinary clinic and whether the order <br />of compliance was appropriate with sufficient findings for denial were in place. <br />Pust moved, Johnson seconded, adoption of Resolution No. _ entitled, "A Res- <br />olution DENYING an Amendment to a Conditional Use Permit intended to Allow <br />Existing Parking Areas Adjacent to Autumn Street to Remain at 1901 Lexington <br />Avenue (PF10-002)." <br />Councilmember Pust provided rationale for this motion, stating discussions held <br />and recorded from 1997 and 2007, with the same property owner agreeing to <br />comply at that time; and opining that there was sufficient parking on the property <br />for the current use. <br />City Attorney Bartholdi noted that the 60-day review period ran until March 30, <br />2010, and suggested that additional time was available to defer action in order to <br />consider additional findings to support denial beyond those stated. <br />