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N. �!Ieet�n� materials <br />Electronic communication of rneeting rnaterials should generally be conduc�ed in a ane- <br />way comm�inication from the City Manager to the Council Membe�s. <br />CounciT Members may receive agenda materials, background information, and <br />athe� materials via email attacl�me�t or other e�ectronic means (such as file <br />sharing) from �he City Mariager. <br />If a Council Member has questions or comments about matenals received, slhe <br />should inquFre via electronic rneans directl�y b�ck �o th� �ity IVlanaber. <br />�f the clarificatian is one of value to other �ouncil Members, �he City IV1ana�er <br />may send follow-up rnaterials or in��z-mation to the Council 1Viertmbers. <br />Electronic coin�tiunications reiat�ng to a�enc�a 7tems of a aneeting prepared �r disfri�uted <br />by or at tf�e dir�ction of a Counci� Mem�er or� City �mployee�s and {1} distributed at the <br />meeting to a�l �ne�r�bers of the Council; (2) distributed before the meeting to aIl Council <br />members; or (3) available in the meeting room to all Cauncil memb�rs must also be made <br />available to the public at tlae meeting pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 13D.01, <br />subd. 6, unless the materials are classified as nonpubliG under the Minnesota Government <br />Data Practices Act. <br />V. Communication durin� �ouncil meetin�s <br />• Council Members shouid no� cotnmunicate with one another via erectranic <br />means during a public meeti�g. <br />•�o�.incil IVlembers should not com�nitnicate with any meml�er of city staff via <br />electronic �neans cluring a pub�ic meetin�. <br />� Council Members should n�t eommunicate �vith the publie via elec�ron�c <br />rneans d�ring a public meeting.. <br />VL Communications oiztside of Council �nee�in�s <br />Council Meinbers should act in accordance with the Minnesata Open 1Vleeting <br />�,aw whe� using electronic means to communicate with ane another. Councii <br />Members shal� not coinmunicate with each other outside of �ouncii rneetings <br />for the pur�ose oiavoiding public c�isc�ssion, to for�e a maja�-ity in advance of <br />public meetings, or �o hide iznproper influences �uch as p�rsanal or pecuniary <br />iriterests af the Council Mernber. <br />z <br />