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Last modified
3/29/2010 3:36:49 PM
Creation date
3/23/2010 2:49:37 PM
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Public Works Commission
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Roseville PWET Commission Meeting Minutes <br />Page 12 ~ October 27, 2009 <br />Chair DeBenedet expressed concern that the City was being required to scale back <br />on mill and overlay projects based on reduced interest earnings in the Pavement <br />Management Plan (PMP), with sealcoating funded in the annual budget, which <br />could adversely affect and increase maintenance and/or reconstruction costs in <br />the future due to deferral of maintenance; and opined that the City's budget model <br />should maintain current average conditions, by allotting $.75 million/year. <br />Discussion included interest rate comparisons in the overall 5-6% interest range <br />over the last 15-20 years; sealcoating no longer cost-effective once a street had <br />been milled and overlaid, based on surface distress; and subgrade repairs and <br />more intensive block cracking that is not impacted by sealcoating. <br />Chair DeBenedet spoke in support, subject to the City Council's final 2010 <br />budget decisions, to return to a pre-2009 level of investment on infrastructure <br />maintenance. <br />6. 2010 Budget Update <br />Mr. Schwartz provided, as a bench handout, materials utilized by the City Council <br />at their meeting held the previous night, for the Budgeting for Outcomes (BFO) <br />process in determining the 2010 budget and levy, and based on profiles completed <br />by staff, with assistance by a consultant, for staff time, purchases and supplies, <br />based on 2009 dollars and allocations to lb0 various programs and services. Mr. <br />Schwartz briefly highlighted the process used in ranking and providing value <br />judgments from 1 - 5 and compiled by both staff and the City Council, and <br />representing individual and composite rankings. Mr. Schwartz addressed the <br />proposed 2010 budget increase at 9% of 2009 budget; def ned Public Works' <br />"other'' category (Item #104) and what that represented based on time spent <br />profiles applied to all General Fund areas; and the upcoming City Manager- <br />recommended budget to be presented at the next meeting, that will take into <br />consideration staff knowledge of those items necessary for day-to-day operations, <br />but not necessarily ranked high by City Councilmembers, as well as contractual <br />obligations and new spending mandates. <br />Mr. Schwartz noted the line item far inflationary expense for street maintenance <br />materials, with that representing the amount of money submitted in May to get the <br />City's pavement maintenance program fully funded again. <br />Discussion included the BFO process and assumptions; imperative to return the <br />PMP Fund to it's original endowment figure; limitations of the available budget; <br />and potential revenue sources that could help balance the budget and still under <br />discussion (i.e., street Light fees moving out of the property tax-supported area and <br />into a utility bill format, similar to the formula used for storm sewer utility, based <br />on residential and commercial units); and how individual Councilmembers had <br />ranked various services and programs based on their perspectives, interest levels, <br />and their perception of the ranking process itself. <br />
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